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  1. W

    Ordering Seeds..USA safety? illegal?

    Just a quick thanks to all those who posted on this....... you eased my thoughts and I am going to reconsider. Regardless of all of your arguments you have to admit that its "one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind"
  2. W

    My boyfriend smokes

    Guess I missed the part, where you said you finally smoked. P.S. (It takes more than one time, and it helps if you get comfortable with it such as with some friends) no wonder you were dizzy, you were probably all paranoid too. Seriously though hang with some friends before you ditch the thought.
  3. W

    My boyfriend smokes

    Sorry to say, I know what your feeling. I was that same person once. Third wheel, didn't care that anyone smoked around me, I just never did it. Then it happened one day.....we were fighting so bad we ending up breaking up over the fact that he always just laughed at me and said he didn't...