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  1. M

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    hello everyone, del nice looking going to start a 12-12 soon 249 pages is alot to look through :) anyone have any tips for my frist time trying this.......... -2x4 tent 6ft tall -400w sunburst -soil -sensi grow/bloom, humbolt root excell -trainwreck seeds -1 gal smart pots so...
  2. M check this out cuz... check this out cuz heres a few pretty decent pics
  3. M

    12/12 from seed

    so i hear many different sides to this style of growing. does anyone have any stories or pictures of failures or succsess. please post them some people say the get 2oz per plant..... ive seen some pictures of some pretty big buds that were grown from seed at 12/12. i have some trainwreck...
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    pretty sure i asked for sugestions not spell check i apriciate it though.... and if ur so sure of ur spelling dont forget to leave the correct spelling so i can make my own corrections im sure glad ur around on this site to help me spell better and not grow better what a helpful post u made.
  5. M

    serious catapillar problem HELP!

    thanks man ill rep ya.. i hate chems too i dont know what spawned all these things im affraid im going from having 1.5lb of trainwreck and 1lb of xj13 that ive been training sideways for months now the root system is about 3cubic ft. i dug a huge ass hole for this beast the others i just put in...
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    Looks like obvious nuts

    i wouldnt if there sacks i would bag that and get it out unless ur wanting to breed em.
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    serious catapillar problem HELP!

    i have like 3-4 catapillars on each branch on my outdoor plants..... anyone have any good sugetions??? (i pick off like 5-10 every morning) things i have tried already - zero tolerence organic pesticide - Fingers.....(spent about 6hrs picking them) - finding the eggs (as best i can)
  8. M

    Wop Nasty's 400Watt grow.With Pics!

    lookin nice man... the white bucket might let some light through to the roots. my friend grew outside in a white bucket and it really messed his plant up. i went with a 400w as well for my first im almost done with my grow hopfully harvesting in a week or so.
  9. M

    12/12 from seed

    so im starting a 12/12 from seed grow and i was wondering if anyone know aprox how long it takes to sex the plants? im using a 400w light and was planing on doing 24 1gal smart pots. should i give them a couple weeks under the mh bulb or shld i do hps all the way....? any imput or advice...
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    if im useing scrog does anyone know if its better to use either a indika or a sativa
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    DWC Scrog Throwdown Growdown 2011

    im a little late on the post but im using scrog for my nxt grow. does anyone have anything they could help me with, like bending tips? what type of screen i shld make or buy? my equipment: -400w mh for veg/ hps for flower. - tent (4x2x6) -sensi grow/bloom advanced newts (maybe some budcandy...
  12. M

    Info on norcal laws

    nice thing about mendo and humbolt tho is there practicaly ran and funded by marijuana(really really good marijuana) so u will never get introuble for it. down south sucks (most) people are full of themselves and are assholes. im from yolo were 1hr away from snow and 1hr away from the ocean...
  13. M

    trainwreck/ hermie?

    so i picked up a few free trainwreck seeds.... my question now if a plant thats is going to hermie, if u cut off the male flower parts would it stop my plant from being full of seeds when it comes time to harvest. if anyone has any expirience with plants that hermie do you have any suguestion or...