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  1. Jonesinator

    I need recommendations on a MM doctor to go to. Im a vet and new to AZ..

    I can not complain about the Arizona VA medical care, they do alright, far better than an Army TMC. But some of the attitudes and policies, like the disability claims process is enough to make you want to snap.
  2. Jonesinator

    I need recommendations on a MM doctor to go to. Im a vet and new to AZ..

    It is best just to walk in to the main hospital and get copies of your records in person. I walked in and there wasn't even a line, first time for everything. Took longer to actually print my records than it took to get them to print them. First time I have ever left the VA happy.
  3. Jonesinator

    I need recommendations on a MM doctor to go to. Im a vet and new to AZ..

    I am int he same boat as you, took my med records to a doc and was in and out. They have to have records that are under a year old but many of the doctors will just take you on as a patient and screen you. If you have a VA disability rating you will have no issues getting your recommendation.
  4. Jonesinator

    Arizona Growers Thread

    you can try They have a few stores in the valley. I know they carry fox farms ocean forest and happy frog. Not sure about roots organic but give them a call.
  5. Jonesinator

    Whats your favorite drug cocktail?

    NyQuil enema, you should try it.
  6. Jonesinator

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.

    Atheist believe in nothing? Strange most Buddhist sects are Atheist, yet they believe in something. How can this be?
  7. Jonesinator

    At what point would YOU fight for your Liberty?

    Freedom is a mindset, a piece of paper, politician, or government can not give you freedom. If you want to be free you have to accept the fact that you may be killed or imprisoned for it. Free people scare the sheeple.
  8. Jonesinator

    When to crop a hermie?

    Your seeds will be hermie to. You can increase the chance of female seeds by breeding the hermie with a healthy female.
  9. Jonesinator

    I need my card, but have no history on paper to take in?

    100% approval doesn't mean the doc will recommend you, just means that if the doc does, you are a shoe in.
  10. Jonesinator

    Feds: Medical Marijuana Patients Have No Right to Second Amendment

    Maybe it was because of the 6 year old moldy pot that the snitches got whooped...................
  11. Jonesinator

    No stress related hermie... what to do?

    Read this
  12. Jonesinator

    Where do I take my excess meds ?

    I think you missed the point. The point is by making hash you remove the plant material thus condensing your harvest down to 10% of the original weight (really depends on resin / THC content). You get the added benefit of having a better product to smoke, you are not smoking all that plant...
  13. Jonesinator

    Where do I take my excess meds ?

    Make it in to hash or a tincture. The rule of thumb is 10%, with 100 grams of weed you can get at least 10 grams of hash. Probably more depending on the method of making it. I don't even think tincture could count towards your 2.5 ounces seeing it is liquid.
  14. Jonesinator

    Jack's Classic Nutes

    I only use jacks classic or Shultz all purpose liquid concentrate. This is what I usually order.
  15. Jonesinator

    SHERIFF JOE...he will take and KEEP your meds

    It isn't the hillbillies dude. It is all the old retired people, Sheriff Joe will be around until they all die off. Just hope a new batch doesn't move in.
  16. Jonesinator

    Quick question for fellow New Mexicans

    Use a shade cloth, I use a 40% shade cloth with good results. 40% or 50% density will work well. If you can not use one for stealth reason or what not then you should find a good strain to handle the heat. If you can find real Afghani that will work well for you.
  17. Jonesinator

    40 days into flower, possible hermie!! help!

    If it is overly seedy make hash out of it.