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    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    looks like you might get close to 2lbs from those 4 SB's... You think? It will be interesting:mrgreen:

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    BRAVO MAN!!!! BRAVO BRAVO!!!!!!!:clap::clap::clap: You must have a grin on your face from ear to ear non stop.:weed: Its just perfet man...I wouldnt change a thing

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    it would be pretty cool to see how those seeds turn out is what i ment

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    ya sorry i ment to say nutes but instead i wrote It would be pretty cool to see how the would turn out. Im heading sleep soon but i'll try to old out till the prn show starts:clap:

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    This was my Fav... Your like a mad scientist! Im setting up... 2000watt. I have a few beans ive ordered and about 2 more g's to invest but im striving to acheive your results(TOP NOTCH)!!!!! Love the cleansiness of everything and the GAnja love making was briliant( shitty it hermied). Any...

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    Sorry what nuts did you say you were using on the rdwc?

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    Thanks whodat! I appreciate it!!! Doent get shy with those sick ass updates...specialy right now. You cant miss a day and keep us in suspence..:wall:

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    It gives perspective in the pics though so never

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    I feel like im in no posistion to say this man but I noticed on a couple pics that there is some duct tubing hanging down and in a few pics it almost looks like its shading some of those nugs. Not that those things need any more light...there allready mutant! Im sure you know but just incase i...
  10. SUPERNOVA100

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    Hey Bro that is some of the best shit i have ever seen! It is porn with out a doubt... Im new to RIU but I have been hooked on your journal for over a 2 weeks now. As long as you keep posting I will be your biggest
  11. SUPERNOVA100

    New 4,400w Room With Co2

    Whoda... your journal is AWESOME man! I read through the whole thing and its been by far the most visualy jaw dropping to say the least. Theres alot of info and great grows on this site but after seeing yours it makes most of the others look kinda amateur... no offence to the others...