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  1. E

    i have a hermie now what?

    Are Hermies still ok to smoke if you pull all the seeds from them ? I ask coz I just cut down mine and they appear to be full of seeds which I have never noticed. It's deep inside the nuggets..... But the bud is thick, sticky full of hairs and stinks like mad.... totally new to all this and...
  2. E

    i have a hermie now what?

    How can you tell a Hermie ?
  3. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    Well, I decided to start the flush ! Lights were going out so had to act fast. Hope it was the right decision ! I hope to be able to pull them down next weekend ? Or should I wait longer ? I can see one or two ginger hairs beginning to come through now. I have no microscope or anything to check...
  4. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    So do people think I should start to flush these ? Or shall I give them another dose of feed ? Stupid question to but..... What exactly is a calyx ?
  5. E

    Repot ? Or not ?

    Thanks for all the info, I shall carry on repotting then. I only do it once, from a small pot of around 1 litre or so into a larger 25 Litre pot. Should I go to an inbetween stage ?
  6. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    So just a little update with some new pics of my girls. I have also taken a few other pics of my general set up and have also repotted my Pineaplle express and Purple Haze into bigger pots ;-) Still no real sign of any ginger hairs yet so I am unsure if I should start to flush or if I should...
  7. E

    Repot ? Or not ?

    Is there a reason for starting in small pots and then putting them in bigger pots at a later date ? Could you not simply shove it straight in a 25 litre pot and let it get on with it ? Also how do you know when to repot ? So far I just go by guesswork and each time I repot, the roots have...
  8. E

    Best Watering Method ?

    So I am doing the right thing it seems by letting them dry out, but just not to the point of wilting.... It doesn't happen all the time, just once or twice so far I think......
  9. E

    Best Watering Method ?

    What are peoples opinions on the best way to water our girls ? I have always left mine for 3-4 days at a time and then drenched them in around 2-2.5 Litres of water. They are in 25 Litre pots. The soil is always bone dry which I was lead to believe created oxygen for the roots when I finally...
  10. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    Never done any gardening before, indoors or out.... Always hated it.... But this ? For some reason I really enjoy it, but I can't fathom out why Haha ! Anyway, I will up date as they go on from jnow but for a start I just got some pics of my big girl with a regular Clipper lighter... She is a...
  11. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    haha, well, like I said, it's only my second grow so on thet front... Yes I am a neiwbe at this... What might set me apart from other newbs that post here is that although I don't post to much, I do spend quite a bit of time looking at many other peoples posts and pick up lots of valuable...
  12. E

    Week 15 and mhy trichromes are still clear. Wtf????

    Is that cut down and hanging already ?
  13. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    Thanks for the words of encouragement :P nice to know they appear to be doing fine, will keep the flowering times in mind for next time. I knew there was a transition period, but just never factored it into it :-) Any advice for the bushy Kalashnikova's ? Pull leaves ? Or just let mother...
  14. E

    Flowered 8 weeks- How are they looking ?

    So this is my second grow now. My first was White Rhino and went not to badly, learned a lot from it though.... So, on to this time rounnd..... I have 2 x Kalashnikova which are the short stubby ones. These have flowered for 8 weeks yesterday (Sunday) But still look like they have some way to...
  15. E

    Some Simple PH and EC questions.

    Ah... Ok. Did not realise that. Sorry :-) I am growing in regular soil. Nothing special, just the cheap stuff from the local garden centre. I went for something with very low fert since I was adding nutes myself. Here is a link to the EC meter which I bought. It does not appear to have the...
  16. E

    Some Simple PH and EC questions.

    ............Say wut ?
  17. E

    Some Simple PH and EC questions.

    Anyone got any advice please ?
  18. E

    [b]250w MH ? Or 300w CFL ?[/b]

    I currently have a 300w 6400k CFL in a powerplant Reflector. Would a 250w MH set up be better than the CFL for vegging ? Could I save 50w of eleccy and get better results from changing ? Or is the 300w CFL not bad ? I always read that MH is better ?
  19. E

    Some Simple PH and EC questions.

    So with my first grow coming to an end with only a handful of the kit needed I decided to buy the rest of the stuff to make the next lot even better. I have not had any real problems with my first grow of white rhino. Never tested PH, or measured the EC of the food etc... Not the right lights...
  20. E

    2nd Grow. Is this seed growing the wrong way ?

    Thanks for the advice. They are both tucked away now out of any strong light. Will see what happens with them.