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  1. T

    any of these done? how much longer??? w/pics :)

    i wouldn't know what i'm looking for anyway honestly. 60% of the hairs being brown pretty much, right? is there anything i need to do to them in the weeks before they are ready. i heard to cut the lights completely the last 2 days...
  2. T

    any of these done? how much longer??? w/pics :)

    don't remember an exact date. like 6-8 weeks
  3. T

    plants falling over....HELP

    buds are too heavy for the plants. i've kept a fan on them almost their whole life but somehow they aren't strengthening themselves up enough to handle the weight of the budskis. what do i do break out some really long shishkabobs and bread ties???
  4. T

    any of these done? how much longer??? w/pics :)

    all of these pics are of a diff plant. don't wanna chop prematurely so asking for the advice of experts. i don't always take pics, but when i do its' of marijuana...stay lifted my friends.
  5. T

    going out of town... drip feeder?

    7 plants in soil, 3 gallon pots, closet grow, 2nd week of flower
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    going out of town... drip feeder?

    i'm leaving the state for a week and trying to come up with a way to feed my plants while i'm gone. some sort of drip feeder from a resevoir seems to be what i'm leaning towards but don't know how to regulate the flow. any ideas?
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    plants looking sickly need nutes

    plan on getting some fox farm nutes since my soil seems to be spent. but wondering if i can i get by on the miracle grow singles packet(s) until i get them in the mail.
  8. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    cops don't fucking steal tvs and pull up in vans to load your shit into garbage bags
  9. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    *one of the assholes you quoted*... i would not normally poke fun of someone in your position but seriously, you can't be this dumb... you can't figure out if you got jacked or robbed, you don't know if cops might have taken your tv (funny in itself), your not smart enough to go about finding...
  10. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    +rep for u sir lol
  11. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    ^^^if i don't see that in someones signature i'm going to be extremely dissappointed lol
  12. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    its better to be a paranoid stoner than on the end of some dudes boner. -Tsleezy
  13. T

    what the fuck!!!!!!!!

    no reply to this thread in awhile. she must have gotten that follow-up she was waiting so patiently for...
  14. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    kinda hard to make out whats going on... the pics are a little busy but you have my interest if you can post some more. this is my second grow (first decent one) so i can use all the help i can get!
  15. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    they are both headband/sour kush... the short bushy one is another strain (not sure what i forget lol) but the three were all started together and the headband just shot up like weeds i couldn't slow them down... *edit* i also didn't top them like i should have early enough but i think that...
  16. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    ok so here's updated pics. i used what i had for now (scotch tape). i supercropped some branches and taped down the tops. i'm thinking of using the string/tie wire and drilling holes in the lip of the pots so i have a place to tie them up. thanks for all the replies, yall are saving my ass...
  17. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    have any pics of this hot rod??
  18. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    the one in the corner is REALLY stretchy so i supercropped the lower limbs to make room for the top to be pulled down. good idea or no?
  19. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    this just allows the rest of the plant to thicken up right? i'll lower the light and keep them that way for a couple weeks????
  20. T

    need to tie down plants *w/pics*

    i wanna tie down the 2 tall plants in the back but i don't know how to go about it. can someone please describe how or point me to a sticky...i looked for one already but didn't see one. thanks in advance :leaf: