Just finished a couple. It's clear now paint is a no go since it peels off very easily.
They not much to look at but they're just the thing if all you care about is keeping your place from smelling like smoke.
Linking to pics since they would stretch the page...
I'm going to make a couple later today, I'll take pics when done. The idea is to sell them for $10 each (maybe a bit less on ebay due to competition) but I'm open to suggestions.
One's going to be painted since I want to see how that turns out. I don't know how well spray paint sticks to PVC but...
To keep my house from smelling like smoke all the time I made some carbon filter sploofs with PVC pipe. I'm unemployed and bills are piling up, so I had the idea of selling my handmade sploofs online, cheaper than similar ones like the SmokeBuddy.
It's just as effective (or more since I use 2...