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  1. F

    Bulk Mono Tek Pictorial

    Best thread ever...bump bump
  2. F

    how long to veg to average 2 oz per plant

    damn thatss fukin nice. what kinda lights del?
  3. F

    Spectra 290 2011 LED leaf problem in Soil and DWC cabinet

    try going back to hps for the rrest of this grow use led next time, could have shocked them. temp change at all?
  4. F

    HELP! 5 Do's and 5 donts for my first basic closet grow

    here are some basic tips soil: fox farms intake fan outake fan fan blowing on plants: 3 fans lights blue spectrum for veg red for bud 4 in. away from plant. (if using cfls) nutes: fox farm trio hoe it helps A little