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  1. FDD

    My Hiden Grow

    this kid is clearly a douche why pay him any attention?
  2. FDD

    I have worms

    nah, my mom used to tell me that all the time when I ate too much. And I turned out fine :mrgreen:
  3. FDD

    Trainwreck Is In The House!!!!!!!!

    would that be callisto or europa?
  4. FDD

    what to do with my setup?!?!

    Throw 18 away or buy more lights
  5. FDD

    GUIRILLa grow north carolina

    Well i guess its not all that guerilla anymore. We all know its in NC :mrgreen:
  6. FDD

    My pot movie

    What a whiney bitch brown dirt is being over this whole thing, I mean I respect the guy and all but hey this is the internet and you should expect people to give you shit. Zeke dont gotta apologize to anybody
  7. FDD

    My pot movie

    NYUCK NYUCK NYUCK :blsmoke:
  8. FDD

    Early harvest

    Yeah His momma is right! What a fucking douche this kid is :mrgreen:
  9. FDD

    My pot movie

    HAHAHAHAAAAA! Congrats on the duffel bag he says! Everyones jumpin off the BDW bandwagon :blsmoke:
  10. FDD

    My pot movie

    :evil::evil::evil: OOOOO DAAAAM BDW gettin shot down by everyone. Maybe thats why he didnt use rollitup in the video! :peace:
  11. FDD

    My pot movie

    chill out with the over analyzing mate
  12. FDD

    Venting and fan

    AAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAA!! Your house smells like BUTCH Passion
  13. FDD

    My pot movie

    friggin badass :mrgreen:
  14. FDD

    My pot movie

  15. FDD

    Poison Ivy Bud!!!

    I smoked some of that shit before. Too pricey tho!
  16. FDD

    My pot movie

    Whats the fuckin hold up B DUB?
  17. FDD


    + 1 ! :evil: