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  1. CCC420

    SMART Meters!

    Lol! Laughing soo hard cuz I live in NorCal too, and this is what mine looks like, except my neighbors are a little worse than yours. Nothings come of it yet, except for the high bill. Pretty hilarious though. Glad to know I'm not the only one getting letters like that.
  2. CCC420

    Moisture absorbers during drying?

    Has anyone ever used moisture absorbers while drying their buds? I'm trying this right now, using Damprid moisture absorber. Supposed to prevent mold/mildew by absorbing excess humidity. The cabinet I'm using to dry doesn't...
  3. CCC420

    Early pest problem, not much damage on plant yet help me save them! HELP!

    I've had spider mites before, pain to deal with. I used the hot shot no pest strips, and ortho-elementals organic insecticidal soap. Got rid of them, not sure if the no pest strips worked, because I...
  4. CCC420

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    Its good to start out with only one or two, easier to manage and not overwhelming. I took some horticulture classes at community college a few years ago, now I'm on my fifth grow, but Im definitely still learning. Did you start it in that pot? If I were you, I wouldnt worry too much about the...
  5. CCC420

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    Since you started from seed, and the spots are on older leaves, you might be starting to get root-bound. Might be time to transplant, can't really the size of your pot by the pics. Might want to start watering less too, try to wait 3-4 days. Also, what are you using to mist your plants? I've...
  6. CCC420

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    Did you start from seed? Or clone? Could be a couple of other things.. How often do you water? When are you watering? Since it's the bottom leaves, it could be water droplets on the leaves during high light. Pigments in the chloropyll get excited, which is how the plant converts light energy...
  7. CCC420

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    if the spider mite infestation gets bad enough it can eat through, making actual holes in leaves, but it doesn't start like that. it starts with white/ lighter spots on the leaves. I took care of my problem before it got to the point of making actual holes.
  8. CCC420

    Help! Do I have Spider Mites?

    I've had spider mite issues before.. From the pic it looks like it could be them. Look on the underside of the leaves for little black things.. They can look like little specs of ground pepper. What kind of insecticidal soap do you have? I tried a brand I got from home depot once.. Cant remember...
  9. CCC420

    PHOTO journal. indoor, 650W CFL, soil

    So, i think pictures are more fun than words. so, here is my grow in pics from end of july through september. the basics: 650w cfl soil. organic 2 strains: EC sour diesel & kush, from clones at the club (gotta love being a patient) harvested tops of plants 3 days ago, giving lower...
  10. CCC420

    Help! Electrician coming tomorrow.. Only a few days til harvest

    i got them as clones from the club.. 2 different strains. the biggest plant is over 5ft not including the pot its in, its EC Sour diesel, which could mean east coast sour diesel, but im californian so i like to think it refers to the initials of an area near me.. lol. thats the one in the last...
  11. CCC420

    Help! Electrician coming tomorrow.. Only a few days til harvest

    thanks everyone. i would put a lock on the closet but it isnt a normal door, its 2 sliding doors. the house is older, which is why the wiring is messed up. we've had issues with plumbing too because the lady before never really fixed anything right. im thinking ill just shut off the lights and...
  12. CCC420

    Help! Electrician coming tomorrow.. Only a few days til harvest

    *I added some pics, scroll down to see them* So, I have 3 plants(1 is huge, the others are large) in soil growing under 650w, in a closet. I have a medical card, my grow is legit, but my house has old wiring, a few breakers are out(they didnt trip though, just not working, I think a line blew)...