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  1. buttrick

    Growmans 2013 Monsters, 4 Month Indoor Veg, 4 LB. Per Plant Minimum

    Are you going to rock the outdoor in the winter months since your in florida?
  2. buttrick

    CHECK THESE PICS... Need reviews. thx

    looking real good
  3. buttrick

    Lemon skunk problem ?

    temp is too high they cannot uptake water. you should try to keep them at 75, 80+ slows/stops growth. and dont let your humidity get any higher, 70 + in humidity will slow or stop growth as well
  4. buttrick

    Rayse's perpetual show. bubblegum, ak47, blue hash plant, kaya, and blackberry kush

    how did you get the supercropped one so even and keep the main stalk? shes really pretty. how has gravity worked for you? have you ever compaired it with and without
  5. buttrick

    still sick.....done everything i can,but no improvement....

    so heres the deal, evrything that is burnt or damaged will not return to normal pretty green. thats done now, keep an eye on your new growth, especially the tips from the new shoots. if they are still good, then your still in buisness. when growing with cfls you will want to follow low light...
  6. buttrick

    My girl's are dying :(

    it sounds like you got clones with no roots givin to you. if they didnt have roots showing they should have been in a humidity dome until they did. since you have been using clean phd water i would venture to say the damage your seeing is mostly caused by moisture stress, especially the wilted one.
  7. buttrick

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    eim starting to think its a stupid idea.molassesfeeds mainly bacteria. sounds unecessary in hydro
  8. buttrick

    LUCAS FORMULA - Hydroponic Grow Journal

    awesome grow bro....... my goals have been set based on all the info here. I wanted to see if i could get some insight on molasses in the ebb, i get the theory behind the carbs, but i refuse to cough up cash on expensive " carboload" products. i have heard people that swear by it, and some...
  9. buttrick

    Why Should I Vote for Obama?

    rommney is another puppet, we need someone who will stand up to big government and kick it in the balls. my vote will most certainly goto ron paul
  10. buttrick

    Anyone Truly Love Working with Plants [not mj]

    horticulture is tricky to get into a good career position, i have a degree greenhouse management and all it has gotten me is minimum wage. 95% of all the labor is hispanic, and the othr 5% is usually family. most growers positions are held by inheriting family members. this was true even in...
  11. buttrick

    where did you get that avatar pic, thats sweet with the peace leaf there

    where did you get that avatar pic, thats sweet with the peace leaf there
  12. buttrick

    Discovery Weed Wars

    i cant appreciate supporting the notion of the government regulating medical cannabis, they openly support this bad idea on the show. we dont need the gov to regulate anything, we need more informed consumers to make better decisions. i wont vote for it until the bill frees cannabis completely...
  13. buttrick

    Jack Herer 29d Flower PROBLEM Pics !!

    The burn doesnt look like it got to the bud, it will survive
  14. buttrick

    Jack Herer 29d Flower PROBLEM Pics !!

    once theyre burnt thats it at, they will not "repair" the damage. But you will know it has passed when the burn stops spreading, and new growth resumes and looks healthy.
  15. buttrick

    Supplies list!!! what am i missing?

    best advice on this thread
  16. buttrick

    Hydro Bill Question

    roughly 60$ american. depends on how many toys you have
  17. buttrick

    Sickness spreading from bottom to top- deficiancy or burn? (pics)

    they do look pretty hard into flowering, 4 weeks huh. they have some fatty little nugs
  18. buttrick

    Sickness spreading from bottom to top- deficiancy or burn? (pics)

    there is not much you can do sad to say. the more you water with the time release the more it will fertilize. so it will be impossible to flush. MG meaning Miracle Grow I am assuming. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and boycott that company. everything from basic flowers to herb dies...
  19. buttrick

    Help needed, SICK BABIES

    Whatever you do!!..... do not follow foxfarms recomendations. I tried that, lets just say my plants did not last very long.
  20. buttrick

    12-1 lighting schedule, has anyone actually tried this?

    They do this sort of thing in floral production greenhouse's to make sure that photosensitive plants dont start flowering to soon. We used to use construction style flood lights to intertupt their night-times. and its cheaper than running hps's for long periods of time........ Food for thought