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  1. iamgman

    2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?

    Blue dream @ 7 weeks got way frosty.. another week or two ? beer can size budz. gotta love it.
  2. iamgman

    2012 outdoor bud pictures, who's got buds?

    Heres my most advanced and smallest. Started March. Forgot lights were off and it flowered. Planted the little retard in June. It reverted, veg'd a couple weeks then flowered early July. Its only a few feet tall but heavy buds falling every which way so I caged it. Only a couple more...
  3. iamgman

    Weed Farmers Market!

    No shit. I didnt know we had this. I been outta touch to long. $5 to get in? gotta be worth it =D
  4. iamgman

    Just called my clone man

    lol $60 in sac dispensaries. $25 on budtrader.
  5. iamgman

    Can I take Clones From My Plants Before I Flower Them?

    Im rooting my tops off my babies to give away as freebies to needy folks. Hope that dog hunts OK> :)
  6. iamgman

    30 Gallon Smart Pots, how big?

    Im curiuos if you can use smaller pots like this to retard size of plants, and if that will effect the quality and quantity of buds. Some of us dont want 14 footers in our back yards 8)
  7. iamgman

    Vending to Dispenseries any Luck?

    I'm thinking there will always be plenty of illegal indoor grows that are fine with the lower prices, and thus they set the price. A PG&E guy was just telling me the other day how he made the call to three houses in my hood that were recently busted and how easily they steal the electricity...
  8. iamgman

    No brainer... unfortunately he's dead. Rippers

    edit.. the dude did not die.. The ripper section in budtrader has many many instances of rippers in the Vallejo/Fairfield area. On top of that, I think there is even one or two from meetings at Chuck E Cheese. Curious 'if met online' meant budtrader. If so.. damn. Some guys must be hard up...
  9. iamgman

    Help me- Help FDD

    I'm smarter than your dog.. and labs are damn smart. Took me less than a minute, 3 links and a bit of scrolling.. no typing needed. :clap:
  10. iamgman

    HELP! Overdosed on marijuana!

    jeeeeeezzzusf'nachrist.. what a retard
  11. iamgman

    using 2500k for veg?

    Got the same problem I think.. too hot? or too low of humidity. Not meaning to jack your thread.. maybe get some help for both of us. My temps are running mid 70's to 80 depending on the outside temp. But my RH is mid 20's to 30's. I think the RH is my problem... crinkly looking leaves...
  12. iamgman

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Ill trade ya some medi clones when the time comes for some of this phire blackberry strain your breedn.. sounds tasty. Not sure about the thorns tho, make it rough to trim :fire:
  13. iamgman

    Help me- Help FDD

    I usually hate posts of videos.. but this one sure fits this thread..
  14. iamgman

    2012 Spring Gathering!

    I dunno about the new fill it and leave it machine JJ... I see ya shake that much out with some dry ice in only a few minutes ;)
  15. iamgman

    Grower faces life.. ammo for a face slap

    Yea, talk about hoof n mouth disease..
  16. iamgman

    What kind of weed am i buying?

    which makes you a smart guy or a dumb shit. Let us know.
  17. iamgman

    Grower faces life.. ammo for a face slap

    Seen lot of articles on Barsanti since the bust. Here is a new twist... "Barsanti...stated that he would never be convicted of growing marijuana because six out ten people in Trinity County grow marijuana and that is who would be in the jury," DeFreece wrote. The DEA agent also wrote that...
  18. iamgman

    Help me- Help FDD

    I took it as a bump and qoute to Fumbles question regarding if anyone heard from KMK .. KottonMouthKing since this all went down.. ;) but yea.. a lighter note is refreshing after the darkness this thread has been exhibiting
  19. iamgman

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    And I guess I get sloppy seconds. Sub'd n anxious to see the show.
  20. iamgman

    2012 Spring Gathering!

    I wish... yea tried to get my hands on some of that after tasting that at the BBQ.. No luck. Wish I would jumped on it when it was available.