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  1. T

    Found these in my front yard. Thoughts?

    also there is no sufficient treatment for mushroom toxication. This is also looks like what you found amanita phalloides
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    Found these in my front yard. Thoughts?

    they look very smilar to psilocybe cubensis but if i were you i will be scared from wild mushroom. If that mushroom has toxic material inside only one muhsroom could be enough to kill a total family which is very common at rural areas of the world.
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    Large study shows no correlation between psychedelic use and mental illness

    I dont know about LSD but It is impossbile to be an addict of psilocybin. If you will take shrooms 3 days in a row on the 4th day you will not feel anything.
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    Seedy plant?!

    it is a stressed girl but not fully turned into a hermy. cause it is not seed %100 when u have seeds you will 10-20 of them in small bud.
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    Is this overwatering??

    When i over water my plant usually all the leaves goes down but at your plant there are only two big leaves went down. Is this an autoflower baby which has started to flower...
  6. T

    DNA Genetics 60 Day Wonder - First Grow

    Mine was ended around the date 65-75 but including the drying period its reaching to 90-100 days
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    DNA Genetics 60 Day Wonder - First Grow

    Dont waste time with CFL because autos are having a very short veg. period comparing to classic seeds. And you cant define the exact date of vegatative period ending thats why its better for you to let them suck more light. some even dont use mh bulp, from begining till the end hps only.
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    Most Reliable / Desirable Ballast? Old Magnetic or New Digital

    Old magnetic ballast cause heat problem if you are growing Indoor. Last year If i did not get back home for a 2-3 hours more it got veery close to cause fire. I was very lucky. You can even cook on top of the ballast. So my AC wasnt enough to cool it down. I definetly prefer lumatek ballasts.
  9. T

    Is this fungus gnat or another fly

    I was just joking =) I used a magnifier to take the picture. I have found out that they are coming from out side all the time. I put that yellow fly paper and fly screen to my windows. I hope i will never need an organic poison. Thanks all. peace toto34
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    Is this fungus gnat or another fly

    this is my cupboard
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    Is this fungus gnat or another fly

    I wrote a reply but i dont see it. Thats why i am resending it again at the bottom of this reply. I have found an organic compound but i am not sure if its safe to use it. Could you please comment if its safe or not against to this yellow fly. peace...
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    Is this fungus gnat or another fly

    Hello mates, i have just woke up and opened the board to check if someone replied and boom i have found 6 replies thank you very much. I am not living in a desert area. Actually here the natural humidtiy is around %40-60...
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    Is this fungus gnat or another fly

    Hello, I have just started 2-3 days ago and found this fly on my baby. I have checked it from google and rollitup and thought thats a Fungus Gnat. You will find attached the photos please make your comments. My babies arrived to my flat 5 days ago but I have been seing this fly for over 6-7...