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  1. SandJindustries

    Punk Song of the Day

    Today, I've been listening to Husker Du and Replacements. (Diane and I will Dare respectively) Good punk there. Excellent punk choices on this forum too. Good to see that it is still appreciated. Warms my black punk heart.
  2. SandJindustries


    Good question. I'm guessing you came across 170 bones. Well I'd split it up for different expenses. Probably top off my gas take. So take 40. The 130 that is left, I'd probably put 50 in the bank and spend a bit on marijuana and have a good time at a bar? Perhaps a date.
  3. SandJindustries

    Kids Not Holding Your Smoke In

    I've gotta agree here. Take bigger hits. I use a good portion of my lung capacity inhaling what I can rather than holding it inside. That being said I do try to hold it in but I never last more than a few seconds.
  4. SandJindustries

    I intend to do a lot more to make this profile interesting and to give a little background about...

    I intend to do a lot more to make this profile interesting and to give a little background about that profile picture. In the mean time check out my about me and if you are bored take a look at the project I am working on at
  5. SandJindustries

    If You Have One Bowl Left......

    I'm not sure where I stand on the whole eating vs. smoking dilemma here...but when it comes down to the last bowl I try to leave nothing to waste. Every puff of smoke to the lungs rather than away, hold it for as long as I can and as always try not to torch the bowl. It's a different world...
  6. SandJindustries

    New user, inventor and open mind.

    Thanks man. So what are some of your favorite thread/forum subjects?
  7. SandJindustries

    High or stoned

    Depends on the mood, generally I'm more interested in being stoned. I know strains and marijuana type has plenty to do with the feeling but if I'm only looking to get high and stay functional a hit or two is all I've gotta have.
  8. SandJindustries

    Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

    Short hair is a turn off, the shorter it is, the less turned on I am. My optimal length for a woman's hair is down to her ass. The opportunities are endless with hair that long.
  9. SandJindustries

    New Amsterdam Laws?

    I've been to Amsterdam. It was a great visit. Many tourists and kids such as myself hanging out in the Coffee shops, staying at the Hostels, they were cool, interesting and obviously from all over the world. The locals weren't, they weren't exactly hospitable and many times tried to...
  10. SandJindustries

    New user, inventor and open mind.

    Hey, Just set up my account tonight and this is my first post. Been into marijuana for a while but I don't like just smoking it, I like trying to give something back. I have a great invention out there. But before I come in here and start just blasting away with marketing I want to get off...