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  1. Rick Stonetree

    HELP! Leaves starting to wilt

    The temp has actually been dropping over the last week or so, the room's dropped from an average of about 85-90( I know not good) to about 80. Would over watering kill the leaves like that?
  2. Rick Stonetree

    HELP! Leaves starting to wilt

    These plants are about 35-36 days old, are my first batch, and they're starting to die I think. Last week I noticed the leaves were starting to droop. I thought I may have over watered them so I let them get I little drier than I normally would until I watered them again. That didn't help...
  3. Rick Stonetree

    Growing Questions?Ask It Here.

    I should note the thing on the right is a fan and the arrows are the direction the fan is pointing, towards the plants but over them so I dont break their stems.
  4. Rick Stonetree

    Growing Questions?Ask It Here.

    OK so I recently switched to a 250W HPS from a 2ft 24W T5 after the seeds germinated and out grew the starter pods. After having the HPS on for about 9 or 10 hours, the temp wopuld reach 100 degrees, with multiple fans in the room trying to bring the temp down. I decided to switch from the HPS...
  5. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    Ok, so I returned the 250W Hps today, couldn't afford to wait for the temp to drop and risk killing my plants. Exchanged it for 6 4ft T5 fluorescents. Right now I have them set up vertically against the wall because its like 2 inches too long to hang them up, even if I tilt the set up at an...
  6. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    its not actually rockwool, theyre like soil starter pod things. im not in a position to run exhaust pipes out of the closet, because everything is going through the door, so pipes wouldn't really work when im constantly opening and closing the door, im on a limited budget also so i'd rather get...
  7. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    right now theyre in 1.25 gallon pots, moved them last night when i switched lights. right now i brought another fan blowing through the doorway, with mylar draped over the space above the fan to keep as much light as possible in. thats a temporary solution til i get to the store today to buy a...
  8. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    Room is 2ftx4ft and is about 7 1/2 ft tall. I could get a picture later tonight. Unfortunately I can't drill into the walls, but would it work to set one up in the door? Right now I have a hole in the door about halfway up and another bunch of holes I drilled near the top.
  9. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    So I transplanted the seedlings and put the HPS in yesterday, I have a small fan going at around the height of the plants. Overnight the temp inside my closet went to almost 100 degrees. Should I get a larger fan and put it at the height of the light to cool it off, or what should I do to bring...
  10. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    thanks for the replies everybody. frmboi, i do have a fan blowing on them right now and will be getting another fan for the room when i put the hps in. m420p, you said an hps isn't ideal for veg., but it should still work right? im not looking for super huge plants anyways, im in limited...
  11. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    yeah, i have a better light (250W HPS), but i was waiting to put that on til i transplanted the babies, which i was waiting to do til they got bigger, lol. so would you recommend switching lights and transplanting? i just didn't want the switch in lights to shock the plants being so little.
  12. Rick Stonetree

    Help, my seedlings won't grow anymore!!

    So I planted two seeds about 2 weeks ago. Have them in a closet directly under a 24W T5 florescent. Have them in rockwool cubes and have been watering them about once a day, sometimes more sometimes less depending on how moist the soil is. I saw good growth, they broke the soil 8 or 9 days ago...
  13. Rick Stonetree

    New grower, question about switching lights

    Awesome, thanks guys. Hoss, what kinda nutrients schedule do you use with the nutrients in your picture? Or should I go with a different one like the Foxfarm nutrient schedule?
  14. Rick Stonetree

    New grower, question about switching lights

    Cool, I'll wait about a week or so to transfer them, and start adding nutrients a week after that? Should I switch the light the same time I transfer or do it sooner?
  15. Rick Stonetree

    New grower, question about switching lights

    Cool, you definitely have more experience than me so I'll take your word for it. Should I be using this until I transplant, or when should I switch this and to what nutrients?
  16. Rick Stonetree

    New grower, question about switching lights

    Thanks for the (quick!) replies everyone. Hoss, is there any microbes you'd recommend to use? As for can I handle the HPS, I plan on setting it very high close to the ceiling so I don't burn the plants. I haven't done much for ventilation yet, but I have about a 6-inch diameter hole in the...
  17. Rick Stonetree

    New grower, question about switching lights

    Hey everybody, this is my first time posting(and growing) and I have a couple questions regarding transplanting my seedlings and switching lights. I'm only working with two plants right now, both bubblegummer, and they're only about 3-4 inches tall right now( the broke soil about a week ago)...