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    I went and bought that organic MG soil and perlite, how much perlite should i add to the soil?
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    How much perlite should I add?
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    Thanks, Im going to get that soil now. Just because you sound like you know what your doing im going to ask another question , what should i use for nutes? And I've heard mixed oppinions about mollases, what would you say about it?
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    Well im gonna scrap that idea and Im gonna try: 60% Promix 30% Perlite 10% Worm castings But i dont really know where to get worm castings? Can someone help me?
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    Soil? I was going to try this, but what problems am i going to find with it? and what should i add to it?
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    Suitable soil?

    I've just been looking on the around online and in forums for an easy but good indoor soil mix.
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    Suitable soil?

    Does this soil sound good just to do a couple NL plants, I will be using FF Trio nutrients?: 50% Pro-mix 35% Perlite 15% Vermiculite
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    Quick Question?

    Its in a 2'x4' closet, And I'm also going to use mylar for extra light,
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    Quick Question?

    And i was going to order foxfarm trio pack of fertilizer, how much would i need to do my whole grow
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    Quick Question?

    Mostly a budget thing. I might just go down to 2 plants, but will 6 Cfls be enough to do my entire grow if i do 2?
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    Quick Question?

    Would 6 23 watt Cfls be enough to do 4 NL clones. I was going to use all 6500k for veg and all 2700k for flowering?
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    First Grow, Need Advice?

    So I'm starting a 2 Plant Grow using some NL clones. I have some of the supplies but I had some questions and concerns. Ill Give you my basics to start: -Grow is happening in a 4x4 foot closet -I'm using 2 23 Watt 6500k bulbs for veg then I'm going to switch to 2 23 watt 2700k for...