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  1. Prof Dank

    Highest THC Content?

    Has anybody tried California Raisins?
  2. Prof Dank

    Harvest Time: A Tutorial

    Good read! Im a noob and Im trying to gather as much info as possible. I have a post on the newbie intro thread with pics. If any of you get a chance please look and let me know if there is something else I could be doing to get it to come out great. 1st time grower I have Blue cheese and The...
  3. Prof Dank

    Welcome New Members!

    Im in the flowering stage of my 1st grow. Ive had a few problems along the way but have been able to get by. The biggest was losing a 3ft plant that was beginning to sprout real nice looking buds. Im using a homemade hydro system that resembles some of the ones made out of rubbermaid bins with a...