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  1. gocolts82

    How much THC in a 4 week bud?

    Picking and smoking young buds. Sorry, I can't leave em alone. I have many and am out now. With little to no trichomes do young buds have much thc? Thanks.
  2. gocolts82

    Hole next to stalk what do I do???

    We don't have many gophers up north. Ours is moles. Moles don't eat weed but voles will. I flooded hole then filled it up. Also made foot high cages foot wide to keep rodents off.
  3. gocolts82

    Hole next to stalk what do I do???

    I had a rat using a mole/vole tunnel. I lost almost ten plants from rodents this year. Try traps with peanut butter for mice and with bread for voles. I used poison bait cubes for rats that walked off with many mice traps. I live across from a corn elevator. :(
  4. gocolts82

    removing water leaves does it help ?

    I'd say remove the fan leaves getting little to no sun and dead ones. I've been leaving the half dead nitrogen depleted fan leaves for the buds to use all of it up. I've been pulling the Potassium deficient cause they look more like a disease.