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  1. S

    Preflowers - not sure if male or female.

    It's not to early, other plants that are the same age have female preflowers with pistils showing, but i got 3 that are showing a little ball with no pistils. Like i said, the little balls have been there for about 2 weeks with no pistils showing. All plants are in Veg state.
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    Preflowers - not sure if male or female.

    Plant is 8 weeks from seed today and noticed these small balls two weeks ago. They haven't grown in size but new ones are showing on new nodes. No pistils spotted If they're male preflowers will they pop in veg state? If I'm not planning to pollinate, should i just kill the plant?
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    Best CFL rated lights - Popular Mechanics

    Nice find for flowering bulbs
  4. S

    When to top plants??

    Here's a side view of her(ak47), can you please number the nodes and where to top. Is topping from top or bottom better, or does it depend on grow space. Thanks
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    When to top plants??

    Hey Guys, I got a few plants and need to know when is a good time to top them. There 5 weeks from seed today. I had a small mold/over-watering problem in there 2nd and 3 week, but since then they recovered nicely. They're 8-10in tall and 12-16 wide. Here's a few pics. Also, they all seem...
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    Need HELP please....using cfl's have some pics. 1st time grower sorry.

    Hi Joey, I haven't been on lately and just saw your messages. The more lumens the better, u can use a couple of high watt cfls or a lot of smaller cfls. It depends on the space you have to work with. I have limited space so the lights im using are a great start for my veggin' plants. When i go...
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    Need HELP please....using cfl's have some pics. 1st time grower sorry.

    Hey Joey, From what i read in the forums and research, it's best to use 6500k Cf Ls for seedlings. I used 4 27w Daylight Cf Ls for my seedlings and they took off great. You may also what to put the Cf Ls closer to the plant, maybe 1-4in. but make sure not too close to burn her up and it will...
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    Yellow 1st true leaves and brown spots - 3 weeks seedlings

    10 Plants - light warrior soil - 5 27w CFLs Daylight Week one - Great growth, just purified water and started to water w/nutes(Grow Big) on the 6th day to 12th day. 1 gallon water w/ 1/4tsp of grow big split between all plants. Week 2 - small amount of algae on top of soil, so i scraped off...
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    party/solo cup drainage

    Hey Guys, I'm using 18oz solo cups and I cut four 1/4in h. 3/4in w. for drainage at the very bottom sides of the cups. The plants are a week old and i can see the roots have reached the bottom of the cup near the cut outs but haven't spread out. I'm afraid the roots will grow out the...