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  1. TheTokenOne

    Paranoia, help please

    Ok, so i started to smoke pot pretty regularly when I was in the 11th grade and really all that happened to me was i would ran about the universe and zone out a whole lot but it was cool, I was chill, my friends were chill and we'd talk about the funniest things and I'd always have a funny ass...
  2. TheTokenOne

    Where do i go for help on bongs and making them.?!%

    i am having problems..can someone point me in the right direction for some help if you have some problems making your own bongs? if so can u tell me which forum thread it would be in..thnx XD
  3. TheTokenOne

    The Angry White Man

    I know I am an angry white man..but why dont the immigrants go back to ther country and fght for what they want...they came to america for a new life..and now that they seen what is possible in a country..why not take back their own and make a difference..jus Vi is amazing!1...
  4. TheTokenOne

    Who Believes In God?

    who s to say that the bible and religion and all ths offense..wasnt just made up to give the people an answer they didnt if youre a little kid and ur other little friend asks u were babies come from and u have no idea...what do u tell them..if u tell them i dont know...
  5. TheTokenOne

    How are you man?

    How do you act when you are high?
  6. TheTokenOne

    Great Stoner Quotes

    my one friend gets really smart when he gets high..well he talks if you are debating him or if you say something know hes gonna go on a rant when he starts his sentence .."OBVIOUSLY....."
  7. TheTokenOne

    Mind Bender For You High Thinkers

    ok..we have been hacking at this subject for a long time now and i believe its really smpler than people are tryin to put it..when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object...then the two would cancel each other an algebra equation...the once unstoppable fore would then slow...
  8. TheTokenOne

    Let's Rant!

    alright guys...u must be high to post on this thread unless whatever ur saying is awesome..which it robably wll be..but use this as kind of a blog...vent to the thread and tell us what you are thinking.
  9. TheTokenOne

    Great Stoner Quotes

    next time you're HAVE to roleplay with ur friends. such as this one time me and a couple of buddies were blazin up and i had this awsome idea to do this thing were we act as a newsstaion and jus say whatever came to mind..."now over to trucker f*er with weather" "thank john jiggle...
  10. TheTokenOne


    Let me hear all you awesome people's funniest or most craziest rant you, well ranted, while you were high.