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  1. K

    heat issue, need advise

    The best temp for weed to grow is 72-77. I think alot of the post on this web site is plain guessing. Bigger is not always better. If you drop to a 600 you may still have some heat issues, but its really the best size for a smaller grow. We have had 30 days of 90 or better in Michigan. My tents...
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    thanks pimkins-great article!
  3. K


    Can you give a plant too much cal/mag? Should I dose it right to the end (aside from flushing).
  4. K

    heat issue, need advise

    I would say that 1000 w is too much for a tent. Maybe a room. You will never get the temps down with that high of wattage. I would suggest drop down to a 600w and see if that helps. Sometimes when you go big---its too much. You will get a fine yield with 600w.
  5. K

    Do NOT vote against I-502... hear me out.

    Why would you think that this is a good thing? The lesser of two evils???? Bullshi*!!!!! We all know that when a bill comes to pass, it is loaded with "earmarks" that have NOTHING to do with the bill in the first place. It's just layers and layers of crap. It up to interpretation as to who is...
  6. K

    Overnight plant!!!! Is it?

    Gee wiz I have a plant that looks the same way. I haven't been able to pin point the problem. I flushed twice and even though it's looking bad the top is looking good. Just don't know if it worth it to continue flowering it.
  7. K

    Flowering Nutrients???

    Gee I actually got some valuable information here. More people need to post the "hows" of what they are doing. Alot of people just assume you know how much of this or that to use. Appreciate the tips.
  8. K

    How many generations of a plant

    Can someone tell me how many times you can clone the same strain? Do you loose the potency of the plant with each generation or can you do this to continue the strain without any problems.
  9. K

    Fox farm Liquid Fertilizers??

    I would try it and see what happens. Should use up asap. Happy growing!
  10. K

    when can you get cuttings off the plant?

    ok guys along those same lines -how many generations can you keep cutting those clones?
  11. K

    Flowering back to vegetation

    yep. I let my patience get away. Back on track now and ready to put in the flower. Thanks
  12. K

    Flowering back to vegetation

    Hello, I've seen this posted before but I can't find it. Any info will help. Had 3 plants about knee high put into flowering. They were there for 5 days. Decided that they needed to Veg awhile longer and put them back on the 18-6 veg. schedule-been there for 2 weeks-can they go back into...
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    Ocean Forrest

    That's pretty much the going price in Mid Michigan. It's still outrageously expensive for "dirt".
  14. K

    Spider Webs on me buds!

    hello I am fairly new to growing and I just noticed an actual spider web on my plant. I am freaked out by this. I have sprayed with neem oil and removed them but after reading this thread I am confused. Where did they come from? Is there just a "regular" spider in my tent or do I have spider...
  15. K

    Powder mildew on Mothers!!!!!!

    Serenade does work well but its the stinkiest stuff ever. Smells like barn manure. If you have enough ventilation give it a try.
  16. K

    new grower having 1st problem

    You really need to go to the beginners room and read some of the past posts. You might be able to pick up some more ideas there that are not too complicated and on the cheap. Happy growing.
  17. K

    Name This Problem

    Use one teaspoon of cal/mag per gallon of water. They are looking great now!! I think its just what they needed. Good Luck
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    Longterm Storage

    Along these same lines, how long can you store it in a cool and dark space? A few months?
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    Systemic Mildew

    Had the same problem. I kept the humitdity below 45 for the last 4 weeks of flowering and sprayed with peroxide and water.
  20. K

    Flowering 3.5 weeks, blue moonshine need advise.

    I always trim the lower branches, I call them suckers-just like with a tree. They don't get enough light and the buds are really not worth it. I would rather have all that energy go to the upper branches and the cola. So I trim just the little stuff at the bottom of each plant when I put it in...