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  1. S

    possible to convert 2 120 v too 240?

    Could I simply connect my 1000 watt e-ballast to a 25 foot 10 gauge extention cord? It's rated at 3750 watts, and is used for genorators. I know it's a big overkill for a single 1000 watt ballast... but it would make me feel 100 times better knowing their is no way in hell it can overload...
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    possible to convert 2 120 v too 240?

    Also wondering if it's possible to run a 180 watt LED off a 25 foot extention safely, provided the cord is rated high enough of course
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    possible to convert 2 120 v too 240?

    the circuits are actually in 2 different rooms, and the reason I want to use the controller is I want to have my portable AC unit in the same room. I heard extention cords+ ac units usually = fire. The product claims all I have to do it connect circuits to the unit to achive my goal. I link...
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    possible to convert 2 120 v too 240?

    I have access to 2 120 v single phase outlets on different circuits. I was wondering if it's possible to purchase the titan Orion 1, and combine the 2 circuits to form a 240 volt circuit safely. If so, is it still safe to run my bedrooms lights and computer? Or must I just dedicate these 2...
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    prepaid card question

    in the US I know that greendot prepaid cards can't be used internationally for purchasing seeds. I was thinking about net spend... any suggestions would help... thanks Oh and btw I’m
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    Simple ventilation question...

    I figured I would be ok, just had to check +k for everyone that responded promptly
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    Simple ventilation question...

    Would it be ok to use a 6 inch 400 cfm fan with an 8 inch raptor using duct reducers? The area is only 5x5, I was just wondering if a 6 inch fan hooked up to a carbon filter will effectively cool the light. (1000 watt hps) could I just buy a duct reducer and go with it, or do I absolutely have...
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    Veg room light question

    I know its going to cost a fortune, but will a 240 watt suffice for 9 square feet (veg) or should I go with 2 90 watt? maybe a 300? I know all the websites state the coverage area of each light, but I don't really don't have any experience with LEDs. I want to get this shit right the first...
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    Veg room light question

    I decided to go with the 240w Blackstar... it's rated for 6 square feet, and i'm only going to use it for is it possible to get away with using it in a 3x3...oir should I get a 3.2 tent instead?
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    Veg room light question

    My main problem is my breaker won't be able to handle a 400 watt, and I know it's not safe to put HID on extention cords. I have a 50 foot, 15 amp, 12 gauge it safe to put say 400 watt of flourescents on it?
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    Veg room light question

    I decided to go with LED; will a 90 watt (400 watt HPS equivalent) suffice? Do they really work as well as people say they do?
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    Veg room light question

    Could I possibly get away with a 150 watt?
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    Veg room light question

    How many 12 inch plants could one reasonably fit in a 250 watt MH 3x3 veg tent? The bulb is 23000 lumens (2555 lumens per square foot) and I’m thinking 1.5 gallon containers will suffice. I'm no expert, and would like to know if one could "jam-pack" as many plants as the tent will hold with the...
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    Evap air cooler & dehumidifier possible?

    well damn :wall:... don't think there is any other way to cool a room besides AC or evap air cooler.... which are both out of the question :(. if anyone has any idea for a hot humid enviroment... fell free to chime in
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    Evap air cooler & dehumidifier possible?

    Portable AC units are out of the question due length limitations of those tiny-ass little hoses that vent out a window. Did some research on evaporative air coolers, and found out they only work in dry climants. RH can peak at 65%.... so I was wondering if I can use a dehumidifier in junction...
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    Darkroom dr150 equipment weight...

    the cornor joints collapsed, but the secret jardens cornor joints looks 10 times more durable... so I don't think ill have a problem. Damn filters are heavy, but the reflector is I think I can get away with it. Still... input from people with similar experiences would further ease...
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    Darkroom dr150 equipment weight...

    LED wholesalers 5x5
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    Darkroom dr150 equipment weight...

    I have a Pro Filter 70 400 CFM 6" carbon filter, weighting 32 pounds. My previoius tent was a peice of shit, and the weight of the carbon filter caused the tent to cave in. the reflector is about 15 total of 47 lbs of equipment. I know the 400 cfm is a big overkill for a 5x5 tent...
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    mold just starting to form on curing buds

    just noticed mold just starting to form on the buds. Buds are laid out drying some more... do I have to wait for the buds to fully dry before I start the water cure, or can I start water curing right now? I would appreciate it someone with similar experience would give me some feedback.
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    Mold just starting... need some quick advise

    just noticed mold just starting to form on the buds. Buds are laid out drying some more... do I have to wait for the buds to fully dry before I start the water cure, or can I start water curing right now? I would appreciate it someone with similar experience would give me some feedback...