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  1. O

    What Are You Listening To?
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    Question for men

    I am the only boy from my dad and his brother so i must keep the family name alive by procreating. This is a fact. However I hesitate to have kids because the world is in a fucked situation with everything that is going on. I digress though.
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    Hi! (itt double meanings)

    Hello mates, I am going to go and assume no one will ever see this. :p no but seriously, i enjoyed reading the threads, so i decided to join to give my own two cents every once in a while. ill keep it simple. im 21. live in south florida. go to school am between jobs. (my old...
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    What Are You Listening To? love the mocking lyrics. creative.
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    Goin to work high...

    Haha Yeah for good reason! Sounds like he rolled up on you almost out of the blue. lesson learned though? tough to say. or just find a new local and keep the routine anyway? My buddies and I were rolling to a smoke session one time, I was driving. Me and my one buddy in the back and the other...
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    Its the 1st << Real rappers thread>>
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    Goin to work high...

    I agree, city cops often times are on power trips more than say State troopers and county sheriffs do. However, more recently some of the nicest cops I've ever met ARE city cops. The most unforgivable being sheriffs. You got lucky! Guess you'll have to change up your usual bowl local?
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    Goin to work high...

    I've gone to work high, but I'd rather go sober and look forward to a huge rip when I get home.