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  1. V

    who grows in coco? what ph do you run?

    I have grown in coco for years. Ph to 5.8 and check your runoff to make sure it isn't ove 6.3. If it is than lower your input nutrient. Also, use a coco specific nutrient, hesi, canna and house & garden all make good ones. And water every day! It's a hydro medium that's organic and is good for...
  2. V

    Round 2!!! 3x3 ebb and flow, fire og, bb hogs breath, alien og, and firefly

    Did the tray fit properly in there? My 3x3 tray barely fits the 3x3 hut. What kind of ventilation do you have?
  3. V

    First H.I.D. Grow, 600 watt hps hydrohut silver 3x3

    Prolly just stress from the transfer to hid man. Ever try magic green? Great stuff for stressed plants.