Search results

  1. Fallenblood

    How to grow a 1/4 pound every 2 month!

    Wow Your one of those guys. I can't wait till growers like you are obsolete. Too many states that are legal now, I don't know anyone that sells this Mexican garbage. shit went out of style in the 90s bro. Lol compacts his weed. Stop being lazy lol. Ill smoke my dank weed, you can smoke your cat...
  2. Fallenblood

    Best trim scissors???

    10$ at lowes, lifetime warranty. Just make sure you scrap off the hash first.
  3. Fallenblood

    Best trim scissors???

    Fiskars FTW, and a good buddy with beers lol
  4. Fallenblood

    Shall I Chop?!?

    IMHO I'd say any time between now and a week and a half. Once they go amber they go quick. If it was me, and I was looking to get shit done while I was high I'd flush and get em in the dark or else you'll be sitting around and playing xbox for hours at a time. Lol she looks good bro. Nice job
  5. Fallenblood

    2nd Flower. 3 Strain, 600w HPS

    I mix my ff the same way, also using solubles and molasses. 4 gallons at a time, never had a problem. I don't even start at 1/4 strength. 3/4 then right to full. May depend on strain.
  6. Fallenblood

    FOX Farm Products- Worth buying??

    I use the whole line, except for the soil, bushdoctor and sledge hammer. I love ff nutes. I'm gonna get those also. Ive been a strong user of promix soils but I want to try out the ffof. I think I'm going to do a side by side between the two after the rooms clear.
  7. Fallenblood

    Dinafem - Cheese scrog

    Looking good, I got 2 of the same cheese not scrogged just topped. She's gonna be a beast, I'm 2 1/2 weeks into flower and she is growing crazy. Already past double the size and going. Good luck I'll be following this one.
  8. Fallenblood

    Thanks bro glad to be here

    Thanks bro glad to be here
  9. Fallenblood

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey I've been reading on this site for years now, figured it was time to join. I'm not new to the game but still have lots to learn. I look forward to chatting with you folks and adding some more knowledge to the brain.
  10. Fallenblood

    Spider Mites.... please help

    I've heard avid is pretty killer. A few years back on my 2nd or 3rd grow I had a run in with spidermites, I treated the room with a chrysanthemum (spelling?) bomb. Killed everything that was alive. This was early in veg, so I was able to wash my plants down and by the time it's was ready to come...
  11. Fallenblood

    Indoor soil dries too slow?

    Temps humidity drainage and root system. What is your temp and rh? Do you have drain holes in those pots? How do you water? Soggy soil will rot your roots and invite insects, mold, and fungus.
  12. Fallenblood

    Finally trying da blow

    I say cocaine is a helluva drug. Don't do it anymore but it's pretty awesome. Find some tang and hammer on it for 2hrs while drinking jack, the broad will think your a machine Lol. Good luck. It'd be good for pong cause you won't get too drunk. Next morning will be rough (if you go to sleep).