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  1. S

    In-put fan??

    Yes, keep the fan on them at all time. Position it between the light and plant tops. The fan will give it the equivalent to an outside breeze and strengthen their stems, thus giving you more and bigger buds. Back your light off to about 16in or so. Between the new fan position and moving your...
  2. S

    Cabinet setup. Need some advise

    Yes sir. Just make sure you have enough room at the top for veg, given the plant height, pot size, the lights youll be using and how far in between the lights and plant tops youll need. Thats what I had in mind if I had purchased that cab. I was going to use it as my mother, veg & clone cab...
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    Lol. Good luck my friend. Maybe try going simple and not over-thinking things. Maybe this is why youre getting no where, lol. You asked for help, I replied. Take it as you please.
  4. S

    Grow cab temp and humidity

    I guess George Cervantes was wrong. Thanks. If you care about your plants and want the best, give them the best.
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    A 200 CFM fan for that is overkill & a waste of money imo. A pc fan would do justice if need be. I have a 190CFM fan going into my DR120W as of now and its on a fan speed controller on low and it sucks the life out of it. I usually have a 4in drop in fan or a PC fan to go in place of it. A...
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    In-put fan??

    Temps at 85? Whats ambient temp? Hood? How far is the light away from plant tops?
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    MY GL40 Tent Setup What Do You Guys Think?

    Lol, im not sure. You would have to research that one there bud. Call some local grow stores and see what they have. Check online. HTGSupply, not sure if they ship to Canada however. Check electronics stores for PC fans too. You can also check salvation stores.
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    My Grow Tent

    I have the same vacuum, lol. Looks good. Like said, go with some mylar. Maybe a 400 in the future?
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    First time growing, in a cabinet and man am i excited!

    As posted in your other thread: 85 is a wee bit too high imo. Anything over 82 in my house is upwards of too much. I strive for temps between 75-80. The prime Cannabis temp is 78. I like to give myself a little leeway. If your temps are on tap, your RH should be ok. Also, ambient temp plays...
  10. S

    MY GL40 Tent Setup What Do You Guys Think?

    Mmmhmm, there ya go! And like said, you need to get those wires out of there. There in a small port hole in one of the top corners, pull and run your wires through there. Now is the time to be ocd and get everything up to par. Better to get it all done right and effectively the first time that...
  11. S

    Grow cab temp and humidity

    85 is a wee bit too high imo. Anything over 82 in my house is upwards of too much. I strive for temps between 75-80. The prime Cannabis temp is 78. I like to give myself a little leeway. If your temps are on tap, your RH should be ok. Also, ambient temp plays a huge role.
  12. S

    Cabinet setup. Need some advise

    I know the exact unit you bought. Was looking at it a while back. Keep the whole bottom unit for flowering and 3/4 up to the top, make that your veg and seal it off from the others. You really wont need to exhaust the veg neither. It should naturally stay warm due to the flowering below, yet...
  13. S

    MY GL40 Tent Setup What Do You Guys Think?

    Nice tent, however if it were me I would change that fan out for something a little less quiet and, big... Id get (1) PC fan if i were you, 70-90 cfm, and pop it in the top exhaust hole. Works fine and works wonders. I have a 75CFM pc fan that has cooled my 250 and numerous T5s over the...
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    4 WHITE WIDOW (nirvana) 2 PINNEAPLE CHUNK (barneys farm)

    I just finished (6) WW from Nirvana. They were on the verge of 10 weeks flowering when I decided to cut them. If I were you id harvest soon, yet wait it out as long as possible. I also beg to differ on the Brita water, ive been using it for 2+ years now and have had -0- problems since...
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    What would you guys reckon would be a safe bet for running a 600, a 250, and a bank of t5s all at the same time? Just one 20 amp?
  16. S

    Those of you with a garden in your garage...

    Will do, and thanks for the speedy reply. I use my garage more than often and i need a workbench as well so i figured theyd go hand in hand. Im tired of having a DR120W tent stuck in a closet and hearing another fan going all the time.
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    Those of you with a garden in your garage...

    I need some dear input if yall dont mind. After years of going harvest to harvest I would like to begin my journey into a perpetual grow schedule. Ive been numerous cabs and boxes, yet now im looking for something to be my permanent veg/clone and mother area. I cannot find a picture or a...
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    My babies are infested HELP!!!! IN NEED OF SPIDER MITE TERMINATION in flowering

    Dont worry brother, I just overcame my first bout of battling mites. My tent was 7 weeks into flower when it happened and within a week they were gone, and my closet is now bug free which has 2 more weeks with the White Widow. Give it time and give your babies love.
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    [Help Needed] MISSINGNO000's First Grow Project: Grow Cabinet Extravaganza

    Hmm, a couple things that come to mind when looking at this. Youll need to take plant height way into consideration on this one. Also, take into consideration the height of the pot itself and how low the light will hang down if any. You may not have that much overhead grow room, but they are...
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    Secret Jardin DR II Pro120...think i got ripped off

    I have the DR120W. You do need to post more info though. Maybe the site you got it from, pictures? Mine has (3) velcro peep holes around the 3 main sides on the bottom. Also it has a reflective "tray" i guess youd call it that goes on the bottom. (2) intakes on the bottom, (1) exhaust at...