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  1. J


    10 days into flowering MG organic soil and Osmocote plant/veg granules at 1/2 strength- 4 weeks ago Fluro grow Very bottom leaves are yellow with brown crisp tips, red stems all over, bright green new growth, some leaves are curled understarted to water with ph adjusted water rather than normal...
  2. J

    Help! Is this light burn or nute burn?? Pics included

    My plants have the same deal but is way less serious,its only on the very tips of the bottom leaves. Should I worry?
  3. J

    Best fluoro for flowering?

    Im stuck with fluros due to no money. What types of bulbs are the absolute best to flower with?
  4. J

    [B][/B]Please Help. First Timer

    Ph is a little high 7.5-7.0. The rest od the plant looks great but whayever it is is spreading upwards
  5. J

    [B][/B]Please Help. First Timer

    Is it possible to get nute burn with organic granule fertilizer which I used at half strength? The lower leaves have white and brown tips.I am using MG organic, not by choice, and now about 35 days from sprout. Temps are 67-85. Humidity between 50%-70%. Please help first grow.
  6. J

    Changing lights?

    Not what I asked. When do you switch? Not time schedule the actual light.
  7. J

    Changing lights?

    When you want to start flowering when do you change he actual light? For example: fluro to hps