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  1. F

    Anyone know what the humidity

    what about temp:blsmoke:
  2. F

    Anyone know what the humidity

    anyone know what the humidity is supposed to be in your room
  3. F

    Water burn

    thanx 5 o clockbongsmilie
  4. F

    I need some help

    thanks guys you were a big help
  5. F

    Water burn

    yes if any one has sprayed or waterd there plants and had water droplets burn the plants from the light
  6. F

    Trying to get max yeald and quality

    how tall should i veg them before i start budding
  7. F

    Water burn

    water burn anybody have a pic of waterburn:blsmoke:
  8. F

    I need some help

    thanks i think it was burn from water i waterd them yesterday and there was some water on the leaves and i didnt wipe it off and the plants that have the problames are the ones i remember noticing had water on them but im gona keep an eye on them zoidberg is a medical doctor
  9. F

    I need some help

    how u do that
  10. F

    I need some help

    i let it set out for at least 24 hours before i use it some one said that was good enough if not let me know
  11. F

    I need some help

    im haveing a problam my plants all seem healthy but three or four plants have developed yellow almost dead tissu on upper leaves bettween the veains and the whole leaf seems paler than they were it all developed in 8 hours while i slept any body know for sure what it is and how to treat it sorry...
  12. F

    Trying to get max yeald and quality

    how often should i nut them they are in 1 1/2 foot tall 1foo 2 in across pots and the are decently bushy 1' to 1 1/2' tall and im gona run both ballast to see if there is anyy truth to this uv light thing ive been reading about
  13. F

    Trying to get max yeald and quality

    hi im a new grower and have a few ? i have about 20 plants ina 5x41/2 foot space and im useing a mix of t12 bars and cfls to veg but im gona use a 400 hps and a 400 mh to flower will this be enough light or should i alsokeep the florecenc to ? any help would be great thanks oh by the way its all...
  14. F

    Power Consumption / Light Cost

    about how many 400 w hps should i use for maximum yeald on 30 35 plants roughtly