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  1. M


    why would you even put labels on people? What are you? You are you, nothing more nothing less, all that christian, atheist, theist, spiritual, etc. isn't even necessary and all fabricated in the mind.
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    Water Germ...

    666 stands for nothing man :) i am not hating, just saying it might screw with the plants DNA, it is only an opinion, no need to get upset.:) it is all good. :)
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    Lucid dreaming and the astral world/astral projection/entities you meet/expierience

    Dont think its quite so. At least from what i have experienced. There is a strong sense of separation. I asked myself the same thing you just said. Is this all in my mind? The thing that convinced me otherwise was a quite stupid situation. When i was still living at home i used to project a lot...
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    Lucid dreaming and the astral world/astral projection/entities you meet/expierience

    It comes natural to you at some point in your life. I had to try just about everything there was out there with a label "spiritual". When you find the right one, its not the mind that tells you that this is right for you but your whole being. What happens? Ill tell you from my experience. As i...
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    Atheists Are Going To Hell

    Wouldn't you say that all of your life's experiences brought you here, made you who you are now, made you speak the words that you speak. I questioned everything from a very early age, never took anything for a fact, always had to see for myself if they were true. It took some horrible...
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    Spiritual Emergency--anyone out there survive this?

    zat that is actually the best thing that could happen to you. Your world is falling apart, do not worry it was all an illusion anyways. This state may seem horrible and depressing right now but just observe it, stay with it. dont try to fix it. That void you are felling right now will be filled...
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    Lucid dreaming and the astral world/astral projection/entities you meet/expierience

    I had the very same experience as you. I was meditating and came out and looked at myself and as soon as i realized what was happening i got so scared that i snapped back in that instance. I tried it again, this time i stayed out but had the felling that i was dying which was scary as hell. Well...
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    Atheists Are Going To Hell

    How can you be sure it is all an illusion, have you tested it out for yourself? Actually i did re-incarnate many times although i can only remember a few of them. How do i know? thru deep conscious meditation and astral projection that i have been doing for many years now. You can laugh and...
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    Atheists Are Going To Hell

    You need to incarnate a few more times so you can realize that heaven and hell are states which you create after dying based upon your evolution and realizing what really is. No one decides this for you because there is no one else out there but you, what you call God that sits out there and...
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    Water Germ...

    i wouldn't have them on a microwave. Microwaves emit....well microwaves :) which are usually bad for living things.
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    what is wrong here

    update: i realized that i have been underfeeding them (was scared to burn em:fire:) and have upped the dosage. I heard that chronic is quite the needy plant. :) It is now the end of the third week of flowering. i was wondering if the plants are maturing as they should, the buds are starting to...
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    what is wrong here

    plain potting soil mixed with perlite. was thinking a lockout might be happening, not sure tho. havent received the ph meter to test the run of water yet. it is getting worse everyday.
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    start easy at 1/4 the dosage, then look at how they react.
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    what is wrong here

    hi i have these two plants that were recently placed indoor, they have been outside for about 2 months and were fed with biobizz. i constructed a 2x600 flower room. the temps are in mid 20s and humidity is between 40-50. lights are air-cooled so i dont think heat is the problem. i have ordered...
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    need some help

    The thing is i need 2 separate venting systems and would love to hook them up to one single fan which is pretty powerful regarding the size of the room. Will one 650cm/h fan be able to vent out the air thru one hose and with a t connector also be able to suck the air out of the cooltubes and...
  16. M

    need some help

    hi Here is my deal... i have a room that is 3m long x 2m wide x 2m in height. in it i setup 2x600 hps. it has a carbon filter attached to a 650cubicm/h fan connected to some ducting and vented out. the temps still rise to about 34C. What i would like to know is can i get some cooltubes and hook...