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  1. Johnnywastaken

    harvest pics with other girls flowering :)

    That 660 - 150 ratio sure is disappointing.....
  2. Johnnywastaken

    Canadian Winter is coming and I've got 3 weeks left.... groan....

    This is a single plant that I inserted with one windowsill seedling started in March..... I'm in Western Canada so our outside growing season is somewhat short. We've already experienced a few minor frosts thus far and my tomatos have been picked already which got me thinking about what to do...
  3. Johnnywastaken

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    Thanks.... I worry because I'm in Western Canada and the big Winter will hit here soon, also I notice that everyone elses plants are growing straight up and a consistant plant whearas mine look like a bloody mess with laden branches drooping every direction.....granted they are heavy with...
  4. Johnnywastaken

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    This monster bush is actually one plant, it's really my first one I've grown with any merit..... Perhaps someone with more experience than me can tell me how far along are they and am I close to harvesting, Thanks in advance, :)
  5. Johnnywastaken

    WAITING SUCKS!!! last few weeks post your girls :)

    This looks nice.... just wondering the kind of strain it is...because it looks like my bush a bit.... my branches off the main stalk are so heavy they are weighed down... I'll post photos of it,