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  1. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    thanks!! They're all about a foot and a half to two feet. Sitting under a new hood for the 1000 since this weekend too :hump:
  2. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    20-20-20 to the plants effected totally turned them around... kept with the tiger/big bloom after that and all seems very well. Some of the most beautiful smelling buds I have ever been around as of tonight. Yield will be lesser but thats ok. I knew it will be a long road of learning :) Girl on...
  3. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    I have not been able to get a PH meter yet.. I know it's a common newb problem... I'm on it and will order one Friday. Should I just hold off and keep to nothing but H20 until I am able to get a meter?
  4. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    Ok... looked into it more. It would appear its a big NO NO to use grow big during the flower... and that big bloom is only really supposed to be used along with tigerbloom. So.. I'm guessing that I should pick up some tigerbloom and use that along with the bigbloom for a feeding/see how it goes.
  5. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    .....grow big is a 6-2-2 and big bloom is a 0.01-0.3-0.7
  6. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    Gah. I have FF grow big and FF big bloom on hand. What I was told at the hydro store was that once I was flowering I should drop the grow big and only use the big bloom (micro)..... So are you guys saying that is not correct? Just want to be clear... this is the first grow in our house so want...
  7. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    ..... Plant on the left front is 23" and hearty... right of that was shitty for a sec but good now.. its the other three that are jacked up. The plant in the center I believe is sour diesel... has always been the runt so am not suprized that it's still small/crappy.
  8. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    As far as the age question goes.. they are all about two months/two and a half months. It's lame being that all the seeds were hard to determine type... but there are two plants that are doing great and three that are so so.. This one is the worst though. One plant is about 21" and totally...
  9. F

    Pretty sure this is nitrogen problems... Your help would be super appreciated..

    So.. Fox Farm Happy Frog soil/everything is in 3gal pots now. Flowering about two weeks /1000HPS Was trying FF nutes but stopped. Essentially bagseed (seeds from a trim job) I thought that the problems I was having with some plants were due to the tent that they were flowing in. It was white...
  10. F

    Hey guys :)

    Just figured I would start a newbie grow thread on here.. been lurking and gaining info for a while anyhow. What I have going at the moment is essentially a "bag seed" thread more or less. All the current plants were started from seeds found while trimming another persons crop. At the moment...