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  1. blunt onE

    Growing in the winter?

    Hey there guys im from New Zealand lolz, ima bit of a newbie growing out doors was just wondering if you can still grow your plants outside in the winter? And if the cold has any effect on the plants? Sorry for the stupid question..
  2. blunt onE

    Omg Noob.

    have it so the fans are blowing quite hard, but not to hard on the plants, this builds the stems strenth... in other words... direct the fans towards the plant, so its swaying... its just like building muscle... go read that "how to grow cannabis " thread.....
  3. blunt onE


    dolomite lime & worm castings are good ;)
  4. blunt onE

    Welcome New Members!

    sup boiz... garikz on the scene ahah... from new zealand.. growing pot in my wardrobe!!!!@#!@#