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  1. DankyPurp

    Home made remies for bud rot?

    Are there any home made remedies or tricks to reduce bud rot for humid tent grow?
  2. DankyPurp

    pictures of mold.

    ...Bravo "If the milk turns sour, i aint the kinda pussy to drink... Your know what i mean?"
  3. DankyPurp

    pictures of mold.

    It's from the buds getting too moist and starts to mold, its pritty impossible to have a sterile room when growing/visiting so if you have humidty around 80% 100% then you will most ikely get mold... or bud rot it's kinda like fungus, imagine if you had a sweaty crak and crotch everyday... you...
  4. DankyPurp

    Pink Sativa / Blueberyy - How long do you reckon till harvest? (pics)

    :leaf: Harvesting soon a week left max on a few
  5. DankyPurp

    Pink Cannabis Pistols Bud ! x

    Will be increasing shooting powder for 8 days then will be flushing for a week not long to go. (Blueberry needs an extra week compared to purple sativa)
  6. DankyPurp

    Some quick points for you atheists / satanists.
  7. DankyPurp

    Pink Cannabis Pistols Bud ! x

    Well its arround 6-7 weeks in flowering, i rekon they have about 2 weeks left max, the weather here turning a bit sour so finger cross they harvest before the frost hits, the blueberrys need another 3 weeks tho reckon...
  8. DankyPurp

    Pink Cannabis Pistols Bud ! x

    Heres some updated pics of pink sativa.. some leaves starting to turn purp :eyesmoke:
  9. DankyPurp

    Pink Sativa / Blueberyy - How long do you reckon till harvest? (pics)

    YO GUYS i just used a 100x magnifire the tricomes are 65%/75% milky and 15% clear and 5%/10% amber on 1 plant the rest of plants milky... i think maybe 1 week left till harvest? The sativa can probably be harvested now but the leaves near the buds are starting to turn purple.... should i let te...
  10. DankyPurp

    Pink Sativa / Blueberyy - How long do you reckon till harvest? (pics)

    Yeh i found some bud rot today i ended up clipping away 2 small buds... Might chop a few of them down that look ready soon to give the ther plants some space and air, don't wana this mold spreading. Im from UK weather is a bit unpredictable rite now, one day its hot the next day its frosty lol
  11. DankyPurp

    Pink Sativa / Blueberyy - How long do you reckon till harvest? (pics)

    Cheers for that bro, the funny thing is the buds with al the pink/purple tinsts are from 1 plant, from top to middle is turning amber brown pistols but are a lot of young buds at the bottom, would love to harvest asap but patience is a virtual... 4-5 weeks you recon for some? I hope it won't...
  12. DankyPurp

    Pink Sativa / Blueberyy - How long do you reckon till harvest? (pics)

    I'm getting exited with bud production :lol: but starting to worry when to harvest :wall: , as some plants may need to be harvested before others, what do you guys think? Would keep my mind at rest if i could get an idea of harvest date. Keep it blazing :leaf: and check out the pics stay blessed...
  13. DankyPurp

    Can you guess what strain is this pot? And how can I tell when it is ready?

    Lookin good bro, i woudn't know what strain that is just from pics, can you share more details, like if it has a sweat or spicey smell as it would help give an idea of what starin it miht be. Looks like you have around 2/3 weeks left untill harvest, you can ussually tell when to harvest when the...
  14. DankyPurp

    Advice on better bud pics please, mine suck ass!!

    Looking good bro keep it up!!! Looks like your phone camera is havng trouble geting focus on buds giving the blury depth of field, try and record a video of the buds and then edit video by cutting out stills of bud that are in focus. Keep up the good work.
  15. DankyPurp

    is frost bad? NL#5 x Haze outdoors. pics.

    Hey bro looking really good got some nice budding spots, should get a fat bag out of that, frost isn't recomended but you should be fine as it looks like you only have 2-3 weeks left max. I know some people in cananda that have outdoor grows EVEN when it's snowing, with not ill effects, all...
  16. DankyPurp

    *Remove bud rot and let plant finish?

    Sounds like you are doing well in preventing the bud rot my friend. I do the same thing with one of my large blueberyys, but my problem is mainly humidity, BEST thing to do when you have bud rot is to remove it off plant asap and remove from grow area, BUT i woud advice to use alcholo to clean...
  17. DankyPurp

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Whats good people chek out some danky blueberry and pink sativa.. harvest time is soon, should be a nice smoke for the winter :blsmoke: Had some bud rot on one plant, removd infected area and keeping a close eye, hows every one doing?! A z in SE its about £200 - £300 usually cronic but the...
  18. DankyPurp

    Pink Cannabis Pistols Bud ! x

    Wow looking nice, yeh i think every ones right probably the temperature making the pink come out, does this increase thc levels and strength? of is it just a change in colour?
  19. DankyPurp

    Pink Cannabis Pistols Bud ! x

    The plants around the pink buds are blueberry but i have no idea what strain the pink plants are as it was a random seed from a bag lol