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  1. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Livers, in 6.5 pots BB Allmix, been in them 18days, I know they need feed, was thinking 2ml Fish+Alga, any thoughts, anyone?
  2. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    plant id? can any of you guys tell what strain this is? the fairy dropped it off 12mths ago, and forgot to leave... had it in veg for 12mths, and was thinking maybe I was given a dud??
  3. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    as you can see, i've pinned them down pretty tight, they comming into 5weeks veg, now in my d120, was in a dr600, under a t5 now under a hps600w, and seemed to have realy perked up . what i intend to do is let them grow up for a week or so, hopefully try and keep a levelish canapy, then flip them
  4. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    i've done some research , what are the benifets of scrogging? and to scrog mine, would'nt I have to release them a bit and veg them more?
  5. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Only my 2nd grow, maybe next time I'll try a scrog, now I seem to be getting the idea of this LST,
  6. T

    Complete newbie from London, just done my first grow, a few fuck-ups ( well a lot really), now...

    Complete newbie from London, just done my first grow, a few fuck-ups ( well a lot really), now onto my second
  7. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    W.Dragon advised me to lst my plants, have done so, watcha reckon? opinions welcome
  8. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Them pics were taken about 10days ago mate, been topping them and had a fan on them , and they have doubled in bushiness, but not got much taller
  9. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    These are 42day here, and gonna chop on Sunday, at 63 days, to make room for my new batch
  10. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    lowered the light and had a fan on them, them pics was over a week ago. they twice that size now and twice a bushy
  11. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    seems like you guys are a bit normal tonite maybe not hit yer meds yet, so thought I'd ask a question, I have these 6,going 12/12 in 2weeks, re-pot in the morning to 6.5 pots, will be on BB nutes, but i'm going to cut the shit out and just give 'em 1ml grow, 3.5bloom watcha reckon, as I had a...
  12. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm not talking about the shit , I'm talking about compareing me to to a yank, No comparrison , I'm fucking English thats thouroghbred not a bastard race , the true american was wiped out
  13. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    livers pshycosis exo, and one pshycosis, just looked at the pic on profile anyone with a brain , would'nt put a holiday snap on thier profile would they? . Anyway gonner be putting them babys in the big house in 3weeks , and don't want to fuck up this time, been researching and these need...
  14. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Do'nt he get told then? I'm gonner chop anyway so don't need advice, now on ripen for 2weeks then will put them out of thier misery, got these 6 ready and waiting to go, will be asking some advice,
  15. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    don't patranize me fat bastard, research, Ive dun that day in day out, and if I took notice of all thats said I'd need a fucking lorry load of nutes and perhaps you are giving the wrong advice if people keep asking the same questions, and can't be arsed, might do you some good to get off it now...
  16. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I don't have a attitude, I was being polite , and just asking questions as a newbie, and thought , you all started somewhere, so were do i start?, i know nothing, and was relying on you guys, for some sort of advice, being Uk myself thought it best to go on the UK thread
  17. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah it came back ,,, sure there are many great minds on here and you will get a reply
  18. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I have 3livers and was getting loads of yellowing , posted the medium and nutes, and never even got a fucking response yeah so what I'm a newbie, was'nt you all, get real we are all sailing the same boat
  19. T

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I tried it on here all too fucking ''clicky'' for me I posted and asked questions , and was offered no helpful advice, come to that , I got fuck all, what do I have to post a fucking cv? or be ''vetted'', fuck sake you was all newbies once, so were did you start?