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  1. B

    Aerogarden club

    I switch over to fox farm nutes and i real am impressed the plants started out on the aerogarden nutes and they did pretty good, But then i switch over to the fox farm nutes and in days i saw a difference thank you to all who have been setting us up with this great info another cool thing that...
  2. B

    Aerogarden club

    can some one tell me what root burn looks like, and i watched a guy crack his stem on his plants he said it was for mor O2 whats the real deal on that and his plants looked real good.
  3. B

    Aerogarden club

    With the way i did it and it might be diferent for all but what works for me is therd section of leaves next one out prune and you can keep doing that till your desired fullness that your looking for happens some one told me that it saves your plants energy and it will produce more for you i...
  4. B

    Aerogarden club

    is their any one who can help me with some info on a stran from india it's growing but way different then my other exotics is it posiable for this stran to need that much more different care then others if so please let me know thank you
  5. B

    Aerogarden club

    my bud brought some seeds back from india no idea what it is or what it's called but i have that going now very sharp bladed leaves with some crazy smell would any one know what type it is
  6. B

    Aerogarden club

    no i didn't flush them dam thats what it was then, it was nice though it put ya in some nice dreams l.o.l so get rid of all the old water and start fresh before harvest. thank u for the help
  7. B

    Aerogarden club

    ya kinda the first batch will se on the second
  8. B

    Aerogarden club

    You can get a new setup for extended growth space just by calling aerogrow and they will send you an upgrade in lights and in the shaft and cord for free or call 1800-223-3724 and the have just the arm and cord for $24.00 not bad but they go quick real quick
  9. B

    Aerogarden club

    I have a question has any one else harvested yet and if so did the somke taste well different like to much vitamins
  10. B

    Aerogarden club

    There is a way to get all that and more, for free! All you have to do is call aerogrow direct tell them that you need an extention kit and in six day to your door you get a hood with threr lights and ext. rod and cord pritty cool and its for free!