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  1. chicknmuncher

    How Canadians Can Legalize Marijuana?

    That is a sad truth right there. What we need to do is compromise. Asking for complete legalization is just an endless multi-decade long fight. What we need to do is loosen the laws. charges for possession over a certain amount (an ounce, or a half-ounce would be nice) would be a good start. As...
  2. chicknmuncher

    NEWBIEEEEE that has a question for yalll

    agreed ... jus grow ur own.
  3. chicknmuncher

    Ya man sounds good. looks like we have very similar projects going on here, only your way ahead...

    Ya man sounds good. looks like we have very similar projects going on here, only your way ahead of me. i'm hoping to have all my supplies and a test seed or going by the end of october, and some quality product in the works by january.
  4. chicknmuncher

    Newbie wants to make a small cabinet w/CFLs

    Ya i'll look in to it. i'm hoping i can find a Canadian site that way nothing i order has to cross a border. i'm probably being a little paranoid but i really want to be careful. any Canadians reading this ... lemme know of any good online stores ... i need a seed bank too.
  5. chicknmuncher

    Newbie wants to make a small cabinet w/CFLs

    @Xcon - thx for the wiring tutorial ... i didnt think it would be that easy. The pics in the odor control idea aren't there anymore but at least that gives me something to search. @skinitti - gd pics ... gives me some ideas for a layout. i would love to see your finished box. @everyone - nearest...
  6. chicknmuncher

    Started from a seed older than myself

    thats awesome! theres some magic in that seed. keep it up
  7. chicknmuncher

    Newbie wants to make a small cabinet w/CFLs

    Looking for advice or links for a small (1 or 2 plant, personal use only) cabinet setup. stealth isnt really an issue but cost is. I'm thinking about hitting up canadian tire or walmart and just buy a small cab, then modify it from there rather then building 1. CFLs seem to be the the smartest...
  8. chicknmuncher

    Tokers - best cereal ever

    Reeses puffs are awesome! so is cinnamon toast crunch! Mix the 2 and its even better!My fave thing in the world tho is popcorn chicken soaked in gravy .... daaaaaaaaaamn
  9. chicknmuncher


    Preferably some sort of cabinet ... an I want to use CFLs
  10. chicknmuncher


    Just found this site 10 minutes ago and I love it. Im lookin to start my first grow. It will be small, 1 or 2 plants, strictly for personal use. I'm reading an ebook called growing elite marijuana by Ryan Riley and it's been helpful. Im finding it hard to set up a grow space atm. Lookin to make...