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  1. N

    Fuck!!!! Someone please please please please help

    without looking at the plant problems first instinct was ph problems,but if she is two weeks old and u havent fed her at all id say its time to add some grow nutes.UNLESS u are using soil with nutes already in it ......what he said^^^^soil,watering schedule etc. and she will survive...
  2. N

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    these are bagseed,day 52 from 12/12 and 59 days from seed.just harvested.approx 1 1/2 zips done with 196watts cfl. basic nutes and lots of
  3. N

    ...dammit... is this a male?

    well as a rule males generally show first.usually around 2-5 days before the females.Also males tend to be a little more stretchy looking(taller,and more space between nodes)
  4. N

    ...dammit... is this a male?

    still a little early to tell for sure but i would bet you are correct its a the next few days you will know for sure.and yes chop the male especially if u have other "girls".soil usage is not something i can give advice on as i use coco.I would think if u clean it of excess roots...
  5. N

    if i let it go long, will it help me sleep?

    so if i understand this correctly your saying that generally speaking the trichs on the bud will amber quicker than on the if u were to harvest with amber trichs on the leaves you should have mostly cloudy trichs on the an overall better high based on the genetics of the...
  6. N

    1st coco attempt - how is she looking? (pics)

    if i were a betting man i d guess one of these two most closely resemble your problems.personally im leaning more towards sulfer as the leaves on the lower part of your plant resemble the "A" picture in the sulfer .Also a lime green colar looks like your girl to me. although the magnesium rust...
  7. N

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    This is an unknown bagseed. Pretty proud of this girl.Starting day 36 flower.
  8. N

    First successfull grow....kinda...."headies" bagseed cfl

    day three of week 5 FROSTY!bongsmilie
  9. N

    First successfull grow....kinda...."headies" bagseed cfl

    :-Pso i guess that would be soiless..and grow thanks
  10. N

    First successfull grow....kinda...."headies" bagseed cfl

    So a little background ..been lurking here for the last year. had a real good bag of the grapefruit strain. found 5 seeds in an onion.did some research(not much as i needed) and proceeded. very long story short 1st seed germed and died within first couple weeks oh the horrers. but at...