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  1. L

    Allowed to grow?

    Well, you guys all answered my question.Thank you all for the replies and advice,very much appreciated! Stay medicated :leaf:
  2. L

    Anyone going to HempFest in Sacramento?

    It's going on next weekend Aug 3,4,and 5th anyone attending? :leaf:
  3. L

    Allowed to grow?

    Kaendar- Yeah i have done the indoor thing but i just wasn't worth the cost of my pg&e bill...I need to invest in a new ballast the thing drains..That's why im doing the outdoor thing this year but i do prefer the indoor controlled environment.
  4. L

    Allowed to grow?

    Thanks for the reply,I was just worried about me not living there and having my meds grow there.The fire dept. Is checking water heaters tomorrow and my grow is right there (only 2) and i was told that they will have to report it to the sherrifs dept so i wanted to make sure i was legal to avoid...
  5. L

    Allowed to grow?

    Hi all, I am a current Prop 215 card holder.I live in a apartment that does not allow the cultavation of my medical marijuana :( I was wondering if i was able to leagally grow my medicine at a friends house in his small back yard,if i post my legal documents and sign a rental agreement...