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  1. D

    I am a bad father.

    From what I've read in my handbook and on the forums, I think this is a problem between zinc or potassium or something. I'm not too sure because I've never run into nute problems before. Let me say, do to circumstances out of my reach, shitty life has kept me away from my grow room a little...
  2. D

    what should i do with this doll

    Honestly the seeds I have came from bud. I wouldn't buy feminized because I've heard so many bad things about it lol but the bud I had literately had almost 150 seeds in it. about 100 of them were very healthy looking seeds. But I used bad (free) peat pellets from a promo box and I think they...
  3. D

    what should i do with this doll

    I've had so much going on lately I don't even know how many weeks this plant is from seed. I would like to get a clone from it and bonsai a few of them instead of having huge mothers. What's your opinion? If I had to say the age of it..I'm guessing maybe around the 30 day mark. Does this look...
  4. D

    Help with bonsai mum

    I know It's clearly stated on cannabase and all over forums, but I want to be sure before I butcher a baby the wrong way. Plus I have a few other questions to go along with it. (I'm also unsure whether to post this in hydro or not but I'm assuming it will be more forgiving in the noob section)...
  5. D

    23 day old seedlings + deficiencys?

    They unfortunately seem to be all dying off :roll: though two still kind of look the same, but will probably not survive either and i bet i will get slammed with all males. lame. back to the drawing bored dudes. on the like 3 still sort of hanging on to dear life it seems the new leafs are...
  6. D

    23 day old seedlings + deficiencys?

    awesome. i'm going to germinate some seeds tonight in ph'd water after i install my RO filter. and run them under the other set of lights, and keep those going to compare and contrast. maybe i'll switch these to 18/6 in the mother room give them some sleep. I have better nutes coming in this...
  7. D

    23 day old seedlings + deficiencys?

    Great info actually. Well, i checked the ph for the nutes not for the water because when i originally didnt have my ph meter calibrated and never thought the ph was bothering them since they were growing but i'm guessing that is what stunted the growth since you say yours are 3 weeks and twice...
  8. D

    23 day old seedlings + deficiencys?

    I have checked both my book and online for this problem and am pretty sure I think its magnesium and calcium deficiency but for a first grow I am going to throw a life line out there to you guys. There is one seedling that looks good. I tried feeding them a week or so ago with i think it was...
  9. D

    Idea for drying chamber

    Sweet, I may end up taking that path and putting it in a closet to avoid shelling out more panda film and measure, cut repeat. OR the fact that 10 minutes ago I found a new big cardboard box, durable enough to use as a dry box. Just looking for something cheap easy and one that does the job...
  10. D

    Idea for drying chamber

    Not too sure if this can be confirmed but, while shopping around wal-mart looking for items to throw toward a grow room, I passed by household area and came across one of those cheap "mainstays" brand "Cloth wardobe". In my head i thought that would be a great DIY drying chamber, just have to...
  11. D

    What is your nutrient/light/pump set up?

    I know there are thousands of threads on a bunch of websites of people saying the nutrients they use. A lot of people (including me) sometimes find it confusing, especially beginners. In this thread I want to try to start a outline of the following in an organized manner for other growers from...
  12. D

    SOG or SCROG - To veg or not to veg..

    Well I'm mainly curious to know this for myself but I think it will be a pretty good contribution to other people searching for the same answer. True SOG would mean having no vegative time, just moving the clones over to the flowering room about the time those roots start growing through. (at...
  13. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, 50 sites SOG style - What lights?

    Whoa, i stepped off the internet for a few days haha i forgot about this post. Great information thank you dudes. I'm going to go with two 600's (starting with one until i build enough clones) I'll read into what you have said SweetnHeavy, i did come across similar stuff about that, buuuutttt...
  14. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, which lights?

    That is a great point you bring, now i'm actually going to read up a lot more on that, The room is a bigger than the aero unit (i could probably fit two - sectioned off) but i'm working on one at the moment. Ventilation, I don't have set up at the moment because i'm just waiting to figure out...
  15. D

    Looking for your input, Aero/NFT 50 site.

    I caught a glimpse of that threat the other day and I thought it was funny that it was just brought up here but i didn't get to fully get the read through then forgot about it, sweet now that you have reminded me i'm going to be reading through it today
  16. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, 50 sites SOG style - What lights?

    That is great news. Pretty much made my day, for I know most growers would be all like "yo son u b stoopid wut u dum lolololol u need more lite bro". I guess as long as I keep them trimmed I will be good to go. Hmm, any ideas how i should run the movers? Parallel and passing each other left to...
  17. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, which lights?

    Sorry I thought this didn't post so I reposted it in the regular aero section, i'm not too sure how to delete this one if anyone can tell me how that would be ballin'.
  18. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, 50 sites SOG style - What lights?

    the monthly bill can be kind of a concern, though i'm sure it could be worked out. I'm using an Aero/nft setup similar to the aeroflow 60 site, but with only 50 sites. the plants will roughly be in an area of 3.5' x 7.5' and I'm curious to know if it is possible to run with two 600 watt hps...
  19. D

    3.5' x 7.5' grow area, which lights?

    Budget and monthly bill is somewhat an issue, though I'm sure it can be worked with. Would two 600 watt hps lights work flowering 50 sites (SOG) in a 3.5 x 7.5 area? My setup is practically an aeroflo 60 site but as 50 sites instead. I'm trying to find the best alternative. Maybe a light rail...
  20. D

    Looking for your input, Aero/NFT 50 site.

    I agree, I guess we'll have to wait for the more "elite" to shine their powers down onto us then more people will get into it and it won't be as uncommon I suppose lol in the meantime I'll take the lazy mans lazy way out of it. giggity goo.