these pictures are of my 2 moby dicks by greenhouse they say flowering time is 9 weeks but rhino seeds were i got them from say 7 to 8 weeks now to me they dont look to far off but im just a newbie at this and the trichs are mostly cloudy with some clear any help would be grateful
and heres the small bushy one couldnt get a picture of the other one because the top cola is sooo heavy she just bends im scared she might snap in half if i move here.
ive read so much about flushing and not flushing my bloody heads banging so il not flush this time and just dry and cure it properly and see wot happens im thinking of hacking it down and then might try the brown paper bag method with a 4 to 5 week cure
what im growing here is moby dick by greenhouse seeds only bought them because they were cheap and beginner friendly didnt want to f*** it up first time round with expensive seeds but im really pleased with the 3 i got 1s small and bushy and the other 2 are tall branchy things im using ionic...
the trichs seem to me clear/cloudy. ive been reading about flushing and i wasnt going to bother i no the leaves turn yellow near the end but this plant has since about 2/3 weeks into flowering