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  1. smoke666

    My Atempt at honey oil

    should have used better screening man
  2. smoke666

    are they fucked

    my buddies mom found my sweettooth clones and called the cops luckily his dad tossed them so he is pretty safe and he got them back but they are wilted as fuck and awll the leaves are very weak.... anyone think they will live?
  3. smoke666

    bong water

    bong water makes the buds grow better and thicker it works almost as good as diesel
  4. smoke666


    direct sun,good soil and look for deer shit deer will eat/trample your plants
  5. smoke666

    Cross breeding genetics?

    if i just transplant a male into a spot with my female will it flower naturally or do i have 2 use the brush (I'm growing outdoors)
  6. smoke666


    thanks man
  7. smoke666


    i know i know everyone has been over this a million times but i still dont understand could someone show me step by step how to top a plant :joint:happy blazings
  8. smoke666

    topping northern lights and easy sativa?

    how do u top a plant ive read about it but still have no idea how to go about doing it
  9. smoke666

    Lake Water

    it depends on what lake..... id say ph it first
  10. smoke666

    How many weeks to go before harvest? (Pictures)

    for sure flush them it will add a much better taste stop adding newts to the water for a week or so before harvest
  11. smoke666

    How much weed can expect from a plant this size?

    id say roughly an ounce between the 2 depending on strain :leaf::leaf:
  12. smoke666

    fruity pebbles ketamine??

    ketamine should be white crystals if its good and come in chunks