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  1. Sparks207

    What is a good nutrient's to use?

    Use a soil less mix like Promix And use nectar of the gods
  2. Sparks207


    I had a Girl Scout stops for a week and now she's huge. She had two much water... And needed a little nitrogen and rebounded nicely
  3. Sparks207


    Under watered? Maybe add a little nitrogen to your water... Sorry bud.... Losing clones stink
  4. Sparks207

    ok to start with half strength feeding In first day of flower???

    Did you feed them in veg? How long ago? Watering in between?
  5. Sparks207

    Is my plant male or female?

    Also need a little better close up of the stock. So we can see the area where the side branches come off the stock. To see balls form or hairs coming out
  6. Sparks207

    MassRoots : GoldBallGrower

    MassRoots : GoldBallGrower
  7. Sparks207

    Need clones..

    Some of the smaller ones you should just toss. They look a little stressed
  8. Sparks207

    Need clones..

    Cherry pie/ Chem dog/ og 18 / DWD/ 9lb hammer / mothertongue/ GSC thin mint. Can't be ready soon enough. Lol
  9. Sparks207

    I like flowers

    I like flowers
  10. Sparks207

    It's flower time here in Maine! Yippee!

    How has clean pest free clones?
  11. Sparks207

    It's flower time here in Maine! Yippee!

    Tree frog. Lol
  12. Sparks207

    Need clones..

    Any luck. I am also looking for clones
  13. Sparks207

    ~Indoor soil and stump tea~

    How long does it last In the brewer
  14. Sparks207

    ~Indoor soil and stump tea~

    How long does it last in a brewer?
  15. Sparks207

    outdoor rural stealth grow

    Stealing power is just going to get you caught
  16. Sparks207

    underground grow room

    Seems like someone is trolling....
  17. Sparks207

    help please new grower!!!

    I'd use a metal halide for veg, any bulbs in the 6500k range Maybe 1k is too much...
  18. Sparks207

    Top soil

    Thank you all. I will do a large mixture of things!
  19. Sparks207

    Top soil

    Awesome and thank you. So I'm going to mix in large trashcans. Top soil, Moss. Peat or spag? Compost. The compost was made on a small farm from vegetable scraps, hay, leaves, manure, and anything else it took to get the right mixture. It does not burn seedlings as the compost is fully...