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  1. Y

    Need help

    Should I pay cash or credit for the seeds? do you guys get ship to your house too? or should i have it ship to a friends?
  2. Y

    Need help

    I just started growing my first plants and only 4 of them have survive germination! Theyre just reg and I got some really bad seeds bc I must of germinated about 50 of the seeds and I only managed to get 4 growing. Now that theyre sprouting the leaves are yellowing an turning wilted. I dont have...
  3. Y

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    I just started learning to grow and I'm just growing some reg right now, I'm not doing so well, only 4 of my plants have survive germination and I'm not so sure how many will survive vegetation but was wondering do you buy your seeds with cash or do you actually use a card?