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  1. diedaggakwagga

    Nirvana Snow White and Nirvana Swiss Cheese and CO2

    Day 4 Snow White , Day 3 Swiss Cheese Nirvana Snow White Nirvana Swiss Cheese Full CO2 canister , waiting for valve .
  2. diedaggakwagga

    Harvest ! , Nirvana Snow White from previous grow PICS

    Grow at minimum 1 , you wont be disappointed :) Very very clear high and then goes into a body buzz . Doesn't last so long though , completely smashes for id say about 50 mins - 1 hour . That is if you smoke about 0.1g at a time .
  3. diedaggakwagga

    Harvest ! , Nirvana Snow White from previous grow PICS

    From all the root rot , dried out plants that recovered , i got this from it . A few huge nugs :) I forgot to post this earlier , but here it is .
  4. diedaggakwagga

    New growroom complete , Growing Nirvana Snow White and Nrivana Swiss Cheese

    Yes the CO2 is on the way so chill :) Here you can see how i use the two extra valves to control how fast the nutes flow in the reservoir . There is a round disk air stone in each tank the plants are growing in . Veg state i use 400w MH and flowering 400w HPS . Most things you see are custom made .
  5. diedaggakwagga

    Roots dried out when Pump broke , Can it recover , Got pics

    There was alot of root rot but now Its all white and healthy again , Incredible strain ! SNOW WHITE FTW !!
  6. diedaggakwagga

    Roots dried out when Pump broke , Can it recover , Got pics

    The pump is replaces and it does seem like my snow white is recovering but will it produce any bud now ?
  7. diedaggakwagga

    Help ! Top of plant burned by the light coz they grew into it !

    Im oversees and a friend is checking my growup every week . He decided to check early this week and when he got there the leaves grew all the way to the lamp an started burning . He smelled something burning and when he saw it he panicked and cutted of the top of each plant and a second part of...
  8. diedaggakwagga

    Upgraded grow room . Growing snow white with pics

    Here is my new and improved grow room . Now I'm using a 400w mh for veg and then a 400w hps for flower . System is a drip system from the reservoir into the dwc system that then overflows back into the reservoir . I used my old phone to take these pics so quality is not so good .
  9. diedaggakwagga

    Frist grow Hydro/dwc . N deficiency ? , with photos

    Is this the end for my plants ? .
  10. diedaggakwagga

    Frist grow Hydro/dwc . N deficiency ? , with photos

    Looks like algae formed on the roots . I moved them so the roots hang down now and fulvic acid for the roots to recover . They should be ok now . Ph and everything else is correct .
  11. diedaggakwagga

    Frist grow Hydro/dwc . N deficiency ? , with photos

    I moved them from a soil mix to a hydro system so i think that can also be a problem .
  12. diedaggakwagga

    Hydroponics and bubbleponics together a good idea ? , doing it anyways lol

    At the top it looks just like hydro but under that lid there's 2 air stones for the second the roots touch the water . Is this a normal way of doing it ? grow shop told me its very good . First grow btw hehe :) Will upload more pics as soon as my camera stops deleting half the photos i take...
  13. diedaggakwagga

    Fuck soil , hydro all the way !

    I got to much trouble with a soil mix so i moved them to a hydroponic system , yay :) 4 cfls - 3200 lumens + 2 bigger cfls 11000 lumens , Total lumens around 14200 6500k light for veg state .
  14. diedaggakwagga

    Maybe nute burn????

    Looks like a N deficiency
  15. diedaggakwagga

    Plants dead before week 2 ? Pictures included

    I think i did spray them while they were under the lights and didnt wipe it off . But it is an organic solution so didn't think it'll have such and effect . I used "lush potting soil" , i mixed it with perlite . I used boigrow organic insecticide pyrol . Then for nutes i use "calcium magnesium...
  16. diedaggakwagga

    Plants dead before week 2 ? Pictures included

    What the hell is this ? I replanted all my plants in soil that has perlite in it . I sprayed pesticide on the plant twice . fungus problems ?? Can they be saved ?
  17. diedaggakwagga

    Going to grow shop tomorrow , yellow leaves a ph or N problem ? With photos

    Replanted them and gave them about 50ml of (water and N) mix . Hopefully they survive after i replanted them in soil with lots of perlite . Please feel free to leave recommendations on what i should do to make it better .
  18. diedaggakwagga

    Going to grow shop tomorrow , yellow leaves a ph or N problem ? With photos

    Thanks alot for the advice . WIl go to the grow shop now and get all those things .