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  1. J

    My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.

    I'm in the us What does leaving the plant out after the first frost do to the plant???
  2. J

    My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.

    I've been researching "frost damage" and 90% of what I've read says frost shouldn't hurt the plant as long as it isn't for an EXTENDED amount of time, like 6-8 hours. The first two times the weatherman mentioned frost, I placed some stakes around her and put a curtain over top to prevent the...
  3. J

    My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.

    Anything from anyone??????????????
  4. J

    34 tonight and tomorrow nigh

    I checked my lady and it definitely frosted on her last night, and I didn't cover her up, she seemed to look as healthy as she has her while life. I think it's gonna frost again tonight and I won't be taking any precautions tonight either. Her buds are plumping up as I started waterin with...
  5. J

    bud gets really dark after curing

    Any ideas?????
  6. J

    34 tonight and tomorrow nigh

    it got down to 34 here last night as well and expecting a little lower here tonight, I'm gonna go check on my baby here in a few, but i've always heard frost wonnt kill em.
  7. J

    My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.

    I should have mentioned these pics are 2 days old. :)
  8. J

    My first grow. Suggestions and comments are welcomed.

    So this is my first grow, no particular strain that I'm aware of, the seed just came out of a batch I purchased (bagseed???). I suppose I started a little late???, last of May/first of June. My lady is growing outdoors and she didnt start to flower until the 1st of September. I had a friend who...
  9. J

    -3°C tonight in toronto... good luck to everyones girls

    what are your past experiences with frost? ive heard not to let the plants get hit, but also heard it wont hurt a strong plant. its getting pretty cold where i live and ive still got at least a week or more til harvest. this is my first grow so im nervous. its gonna be 34 degrees this weekend. i...