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  1. M

    Leaves Yellowing from the inside out!

    Hello! I was curious if anyone has ever seen this before? I am growing two apollo 13 bx's in roots organic with some super soil at the bottom. No additional nutes, just water ph'd to 6.4. I started noticing the bottom growth having some weird issue. The two bottom shoots yellowed and died off...
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    1st grow, ready to harvest?

    I thought about that...would it be beneficial? Doesn't HPS only have one color temp?....and they seem to do pretty good without any additional color temps to balance out the spectrum.
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    1st grow, ready to harvest?

    I have (6) 23 Watt 2700k CFLs Thank you, I will have to check that out! Cool. It's kind of hard to see from the photo because of the lighting but the pistols are about 50/50, I guess I'll wait a week and see what they look like then. The calyxes have begun to swell, and since the trichomes...
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    1st grow, ready to harvest?

    Here is my cheesy smurf by Trichome Jungle Seeds. She faced some early problems but has been in 12/12 for 67 days, I plan on cutting her down in the next few days. I used a scope to check out the trichomes and they are nearly all milky white with an amber or clear here and there. Is this a...
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    Best time to buy seeds from ATTITUDE? Current promotion or wait for 420?

    Attitude. Starting 4:20 on 4:20, order a TGA ten pack and get a free pack of Qush. After all the Qush run out, those who order a ten pack will receive a free pack of 3d. That is how sub explained it on his web show. Happy Growing.
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    blue dream bag seed: Ready to top?

    I think you're lost.... ....but you can top now.
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    Boy Or Girl? Pre-flowers in Veg

    Well that's good to hear, it means there is still the possibility they are female.
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    Pre-flowers in veg! Boy or Girl?!

    I have (2) Ace of Spades, and (2) Apollo 13 BX that have been in veg for 40 days. Upon examining them this morning I noticed three of them are showing some sort of pre-flowers, I looked at them with a scope and I still cannot determine whether or not they are boys are girls. Please take a...
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    Boy Or Girl? Pre-flowers in Veg

    I have (2) Ace of Spades, and (2) Apollo 13 BX that have been in veg for 40 days. Upon examining them this morning I noticed three of them are showing some sort of pre-flowers, I looked at them with a scope and I still cannot determine whether or not they are boys are girls. Please take a look...
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    Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

    Hey chb444220, Ive been checking out all the awesome photos in your journal and I am curious, Do you start the count of flowering the day you switch to 12/12 or the first day you see pistols? Thank you, and once again, awesome work.
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    Super Soil on ebay

    I don't think this is in sub's recipe: "2.5 lbs Pot Ash 0-0-30" I wonder what, if any, difference it will make. Just curious.
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    roots organic new receipe still good for SS??

    Well, If I remember correctly a message from the roots people was posted saying that the formula was still the same, but due to agricultural restrictions certain things on the labeling was changed.
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    Super Soil on ebay

    "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." - Henry Mencken
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    IRC for Mac

    This program Ircle worked for me, no problems:
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    Emerald Triangle Seed Co.; Opinions?

    Check this guys grow out, he grows a few of their strains: Seems to give them a good review, lots of delicious photos as well.