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  1. oscar de grouch

    How 2 fix Zinc def???

    Ha! Well howd'ya like that... it grew balls overnight :cuss:
  2. oscar de grouch

    How 2 fix Zinc def???

    Thanks! I did search around on the net and read about that stuff. I'll see what I can come up with. The problem seems to have gone away for now though. I gave them a good drench of plain water and they exploded in growth since then and the discoloration has stopped. I'd still like to keep the...
  3. oscar de grouch

    How 2 fix Zinc def???

    Thanks for the replies. Here's a pic of what I'm dealing with.
  4. oscar de grouch

    How 2 fix Zinc def???

    Hey guys. I'm new to organics and I have a bit of a zinc def. I am currently 3 weeks veg in coco and using GO box nutes per instructions without the BioMarine. I'm using dechlorinated tap water ( I let it sit for at least 48 hours before use) and I'm watering with feed when it starts to get dry...
  5. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Thats what I use to test the soil, which is fox farm happy frog, not promix. I just got one of those cheapy yellow digi ph pens for the water. I use RO because my tap water is so full of crap this time of year you can't see through it, and I just found the ph is 9.3. The RO ph is 8.2 and drops...
  6. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Thanks for the zinc info, LogicTime. Seems identical to my probs
  7. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Yeh, I thought my meter could be part of the prob. I'm using
  8. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    thanks, I'll look into that. I didn't even consider zinc
  9. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    This has happend to 8 consecutive plants. It starts at the older leaves and once those are dead the next set of older leaves die. It moves from the very tips of the oldest leaves and progresses up the plant. I'm stumped.
  10. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Mine does too when I'm using Tiger Bloom. But this happens way before I begin to use that.
  11. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Doubt it. I'm very careful not to do that. And like I said, it happens to ALL of them at this stage. And it starts at the tip and moves it's way up the leaf. This is actually at 3 days from when I first noticed the tips. Thanks for your input though.
  12. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    pH is after feeding. I've seen that chart everywhere. I'm just not seeing pics like the one I posted. I have some ph up but I haven't used any. The water with or w/o nutes is usually at about 6.5. I just ordered some ph down. Should I lower it a tad?
  13. oscar de grouch

    P deficiency?

    Hey all! I seem to have a deficiency that looks like P to me. I've been all over google and several forums trying to figure this out. This happens to ALL of my plants regardless of strain and typically begins around the 2-3 weeks veg. This one happens to be ICED grapefruit. I give them their...
  14. oscar de grouch

    milk helps growth??

    I know this thread is old, but just in case anyone else was wondering, you can feed your plants whey from milk. I make my own yogurt and cheeses and end up with a ton of whey. I didn't want to just dump it so I was looking up ways to use it and found it's good for plants...
  15. oscar de grouch

    Club T5

    T5 bulbs go into T5 fixtures
  16. oscar de grouch

    So I'm a little confused when to apply nutes????

    This is true. I ended up tossing my FFOF outside around my shrubs. That stuff is hot as hell. I'm using HF right now and just fed them FF big bloom and grow big 1/2 strength because they were looking a bit deprived @ 3 weeks.
  17. oscar de grouch

    Beware Agromax grow tent HTG supply!

    Well that's good to hear. I think I got the last of the older model. Mine doesn't have a window. I don't see how that would make a bit of difference though. I'm pretty sure they're manufactured the same. I washed it and it's all falling apart now. Oh well, I wasn't going to use it again anyway.
  18. oscar de grouch

    Beware Agromax grow tent HTG supply!

    Well, I contacted them and they told me the off gassing claims are total bullshit and that the claims are user error related. I took my babies out of there a week ago and they're fully recovered and growing fast as hell. I never noticed before, maybe because of the fans, but it smells like...
  19. oscar de grouch

    Beware Agromax grow tent HTG supply!

    wow. I bought the mother keeper from HTG on ebay back in Feb. and I haven't been able to grow a thing in it. I've lost all of my fem seeds in it, plus some bagseed I used as a test when I was trying to figure out what the hell was going on. I've NEVER had grow problems until I switched over to...
  20. oscar de grouch - Shut down?

    Same here. Doesn't work.