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  1. S

    Why does the pope look like Satan?

    The IRA has a history of respecting terrorists so that doesn't mean much...
  2. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    Since leftists hate it then you point out the inherit flaws in socialism, how about the 1620's experiment that FAILED like socialism always does: "The American socialist experiment The American socialist experiment By Charles F. Wickwire web posted September 2, 2002 On November 11, 1620...
  3. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    "Equality, in a social sense, may be divided into that of condition, and that of rights. Equality of condition is incompatible with civilization, and is found only to exist in those communities that are but slightly removed from the savage state. In practice, it can only mean a common misery."...
  4. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    C'mon doc, where are those modern successful socialist utopian societies? Still up in oregon near the border? In the White House? Are you going to be sad or mad when obamacare is repealed next year? :D
  5. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    That's what you call successful? That does explain your socialist delusions... :D
  6. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    Yet another mental midget whining about the word "socialist" and denying the FACTS. If I can't opt out of paying for the programs that go to pay people that didn't earn it, they're socialist. Too funny... :D Look up the numbers if you can pull your head out of your ass. Yes, those three...
  7. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Won? I didn't even know there were prizes. What did I win? I don't spank inbred euroPEON losers for prizes, I just do it for fun. I admit it's easy to make wannabe Americans cry (just pointing out that they're not Americans should be enough) they get all mad and angry because they'll never...
  8. S

    Condoleeza as Romney's VP

    Quit pretending: 1) That you know anything about America. 2) That you know anything about conservatives. 3) That euroPEON opinion on American politics matters. I knew a skydive pilot from norway who used to tell us that American liberals would be considered far right conservatives in europe...
  9. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Don't cry, son. You mad because you euroPEONs never counted and never will. Wannabe Americans... :D I don't blame you for trying to change the subject again, you must be tired of the spanking you got. :D
  10. S

    Condoleeza as Romney's VP

    europe has nowhere else to go but to the right and while there was a trend of moving left here, for a while, that's been going the other way, slowly, for some time now. Watch this election and you'll see the swing... :D
  11. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Like your "US Military terrorist" trolling, loser? I knew you couldn't take what you give. pot/kettle/black... :D
  12. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Clearly the terrorist scum that built that IRA bomb haven't "let it go" yet, did you build it or plant it? :D What are we butthurt against the "sandpeople" (bigot) over again? Was it the early 70's when Americans first started getting killed by terrorists? 1979? 83? 90s? 2001? You must think...
  13. S

    Condoleeza as Romney's VP

    History will be kinder to President Bush than dishonest euroPEON leftists will be but, then again, they never mattered in the real world anyway. :D
  14. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    Did you know that there were experimental socialist communities in America during the 1800s? Of course the socialist "leaders" all came from europe but where else would socialists come from? Oh, they all failed for the same reasons that socialism fails everywhere, eventually. Some figured out...
  15. S

    romney committed a federal felony?

    Don't worry bucky, nobody expects you to get it. What I said was that socialism is slavery. The slaves were "like" socialist workers in that they had to work and they didn't reap the benefit of that work, which is exactly why Lincoln (the first Republican President) freed them. You could say...
  16. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Then what are you leprechauns after if not Lucky Charms? I know you don't have a pot of gold. :D Quit pretending that you're disbanded just because a few of them were too pussy to keep fighting? We all know you still have little man syndrome after not beating the english...
  17. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    If they had been arrested by the english they would have been charged and tried as terrorists for treason against the king among other high crimes. Not standing in a line taking shots at each other (such as sniping) would have been considered terrorist tactics by the then military style. I...
  18. S

    Who Else Knows That Ron Paul will NEVER be President?

    Oh please, like you could sell enough carbombs to afford a two month stay couldn't even afford a Disneyland ticket. :roll: Friendly? proof of that here... Quit pretending that the irish and the IRA aren't the same thing...kind of how you like to lump the US military with...