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  1. F

    Hey. Just read your thread regarding pure Dextromethorphan. Was wondering if you had found...

    Hey. Just read your thread regarding pure Dextromethorphan. Was wondering if you had found anything reliable. I'm looking for someone who ships in the U.S. myself and I would GREATLY appreciate any vendor info you could give me. Send me a PM, yeah? Thanks :)
  2. F

    Hellooo. I've been lurking these forums in hopes of finding someone who can help with...

    Hellooo. I've been lurking these forums in hopes of finding someone who can help with information regarding a reliable pure Dextromethorphan vendor. Hoping you can help me out with someone who ships in the U.S. Send me a PM if you can help :) I would SOO much appreciate it. Thanks.
  3. F

    Newbie Texas Grower here

    Sup, everyone?! Hopefully a frequent newcomer here. Definitely intend to use the awesome resources this board offers. You guys seem pretty awesome :) Looking forward to sharing. Thanks! :blsmoke:
  4. F

    I hate to be one of the many bugging for help...but I understand you're privy to places one can...

    I hate to be one of the many bugging for help...but I understand you're privy to places one can order pure Dextromethorphan? I'm trying to find a reliable resource who ships in the U.S. If you could send me a PM about this, I would really appreciate it. Thank you and have an awesome day :)