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  1. J

    FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.

    Okay give them a couple days and see if they come to life. And yeah 12/12 is for any strain, indica or sativa. Its the natural cycle of the plant. But don't start new seedlings when you start 12/12 unless you have a whole new grow room. It take 5-11 weeks for flowering and no need to waste your...
  2. J

    FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.

    He said they were atomic so i'd like to see him stick with it and try to save them. Most likely he won't get as big of a crop as he normally would've. But everyone starts somewhere and better to ask for help and learn the basics rather than just not say anything. Keep this updated with pics for...
  3. J

    FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.

    I'd go with stealthhydro's nutrient package. Pretty simple and fairly cheap. Gives you 3 months of grow, and 3 months of bloom. The only thing that you'll run into with those nutes is mg def. But pick up some at a local greenhouse and you're solid. Keep it at a decent temp and lights about 2...
  4. J

    3rd Day in Flower, runnin outta space!

    Like Broken, i'd wait, just till they sex, then kick at least half out. You could probably grow two in there pretty decently. Just make sure you have circulation and be ready for the stench. GL man.
  5. J

    FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.

    Add them. Now. And only time will tell if they survive. Keep a close eye on them. Send love to your plants, plants respond to that shit. You gotta let em know you're there for them and you'll do your best to keep them healthy. As a good parent would do with any child
  6. J

    FIRST INDOOR GROW, help appreciated.

    Well have you added nutes yet? How old are they? 2 - 2.5 weeks is when roots develop and that's when you need to add nutes man. I only watered my plants about once a day, twice tops during early veg. If you can add a drip system and put it on a timer for later. Usually about 1-3 minutes every...
  7. J

    Plant's Fan Leaves Brown, Brittle, and Are Curling

    Well, I have added 1 tsp of micro and 1 tsp of grow from is that not enough? i also mixed them separate. using luke warm water to dissolve the nutes.
  8. J

    Plant's Fan Leaves Brown, Brittle, and Are Curling

    Yeah kinda, but the spots are more toward the middle of the leaves. ITs only happening on two so far. Happened on the first one about 3 days ago now its affecting a second one. I dont know if its water doing it because there was that much water on them maybe a droplet or two, thats it.
  9. J

    Plant's Fan Leaves Brown, Brittle, and Are Curling

    About 2.5 weeks old. Growing in a bubbleponics. pH = 6. Idk if its the lights are too hot, or if its possibly nute burn.